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China's Pearl Industry, Cultural Marketing Research

Posted on:2011-07-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Y YangFull Text:PDF
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This thesis studies the current cultural marketing situation of the pearl industry in China, taking the pearl industry of Beijing Hongqiao Market as an example, in order to help the development of the pearl market in practice. First of all, culture is the growth point to realize a new round of economic growth in face of the global financial crisis. Discovery of the cultural productivity is the basic way to promote industry's competition and to improve the international reputation for the pearl industry which has already shaped into a certain dimension in China. Secondly, this thesis reproduces the cultural value of pearl in order to provide historical basis for the pearl industry's innovation of cultural brand by the literature study of the ancient pearl industry in China.With regard to the research methodology, this thesis applies theories in ethnology and anthropology such as case study, field survey and deep interview etc. to investigate the pearl businesses, and adopts the theories in management to comb the study funding.By the comprehensive analysis of the macro-environment, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threads, this thesis considers that the development of Hongqiao market should "depending on internal strengths, minimizing internal weaknesses; taking advantage of the external opportunities, evading the external threats". On one hand, the market should depend on the advantages on geography, market and brand to try harder; meanwhile, it should minimize the weaknesses such as lower rates of high-end and high-quality pearl product, backward marketing management model, and lower design standard and so on. On the other hand, it should grasp the opportunities that the increasing demand of the travelers for pearl, the pearl industry being in the initial stage and the national policy support; at the same time, it should evade the threats from other kind of jewelries, and cope with both the internal competition and international threads energetically in order to expand market and reduce the dependency on travel industry.This thesis presents proposals on marketing strategy specific to the current situation of Beijing Hongqiao market. The pearl industry of Hongqiao market should expand its strengths continuously, on that basis, it must implement the overall marketing strategy to integrate government promotion and business chain reaction. On one hand, the government should give full play to government guidance so that it can produce favorable external environment for the development of Hongqiao market. On the other hand, the managers and the merchants should enhance cooperation to create the overall image of "Hongqiao Pearl" as an international top brand so that the Hongqiao pearl industry will be better and better.Product is the root of cultural marketing, therefore, this thesis approaches the cultural marketing of pearl product at the end. The marketing of pearl product can be divided into two parts i.e. the marketing of finished product and by-product. The marketing of finished product contains three parts. Firstly, it should enhance the design quality to get rid of the stale and bring forth the fresh. Secondly, it should strengthen the cultural attachment value and establish brand consciousness. Lastly, it should reinforce the publication to cultivate people's awareness of consumption through the media. Meanwhile, the marketing of by-product includes two parts i.e. the development of medicinal value and packaging.In conclusion, as a traditional national industry, the industrial chain of pearl industry has to extend and upgrade. With the steady and fast economic development, the improvement of people's livelihood, the increase of people's spiritual needs and the perfection of national policy, we believe that China is going to become a powerful pearl industry country from a big one.
Keywords/Search Tags:pearl, culture, marketing strategy
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