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Shaanxi Province To Undertake The Eastern Part Of The Industry Transition Problem

Posted on:2011-09-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M M SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199360305959290Subject:National Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Researching industrial transfer is the objective requirements and inevitable trend of China's industrial structure adjustment and regional economic integration. At the present stage, the eastern coastal developed areas not only undertook the industrial transfer of developed countries actively, but also gradient transferred the inferior industry to the less developed central and western regions, and becoming increasingly fierce. Under this background, Shaanxi Province has decided to carry the industries'cross-gradient transferring as the focus of economic development, and use the opportunity to realize the adjustment of Shaanxi Province's layout and industrial structure, especially identified the key problem in the process of undertaking eastern region's industrial transfer, and strived to make all the preparations, in order to expand the economic effect and promote the regional development between eastern developed region and Shaanxi Province in a greater degree. Therefore, research Shaanxi Province how to overcome their own obstacles, and undertake the industrial transfer from eastern region rationally, which has important practical significance for realizing the goal of Shaanxi's leap-forward development.This paper takes the theoretical analysis of industrial transfer as a breakthrough point, summarizes the research focuses of the current literature based on the extensive knowledge of the related literature at home and aboard, and comment it briefly to elicit the space and significance of this paper.First, using principal component analysis, empirical studies obtains Shaanxi Province is in the lower level of China's economic status gradient, and shows which eastern provinces and cities'industrial transfer can be undertook by Shaanxi Province from the point of the gradient theory; And then from the current situation of undertaking industrial transfer to compare the results'differences between Shaanxi and Sichuan Province so that summarized Shaanxi's problems in industrial transfer process:logistics costs is high, labor costs is less competitive, market capacity and marketing degree is low, government is hot but the folk is cold in the process of industrial undertaking, and values the introductions but careless about the environmental protection, etc. which achieves a close integration of theory and practice, and attempts to do a further study of this issue. Secondly, analyzes the problems in undertaking industrial transfer of Shaanxi Province in a qualitative and quantitative way to explain that the industrial structures promotion, costs of production factors rising and the guidance of relevant national policy composed the push factors of eastern region's industrial transfer; However, the retention of transfer land and the exclusion of undertaking land lead to the resistance in eastern industrial transfer; At the same time, the market attraction of Shaanxi province, low-cost production factors, role city effect of Kwan-Tianshui Economic Zone formed the tension of undertaking industrial transfer. The three above factors promote or hinder the undertaking industrial transfer of Shaanxi province.Based on analysis of the existing problems in undertaking industrial transfer of Shaanxi province, we select the relevant indicators to construct model, and calculate the industrial gradient coefficient empirically, and combine with relevant information of qualitative analysis to determine the key industries of undertaking industrial transfer in Shaanxi province:energy and chemical engineering, non-ferrous metal mining and processing, equipment manufacturing, high technology, bio-medicine, petroleum, machinery, automobiles and parts, agricultural processing, electronic communication equipments, etc;As the location of undertaking industrial transfer not only constrained by natural resource endowment and social economical development of immigrated land but also affected by capital, technology, information, systems and regulations, social and cultural factors. According to the actual situation of natural resources and economic social development in Northern Shaanxi, Kuan-chung Plain, Southern Shaanxi, Combined with the size and characteristics of local industries, this paper tries to suggest the rational distribution of the transfer industries in this region.Finally, countermeasure and suggestions for undertaking industrial transfer of Shaanxi Province are given which mainly from the angles of how to increase the push power of transfer land; enhance the tension of the undertaking land and also restrict and reduce the resistance of industrial transfer to elaborate the targeted measures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shaanxi Province, undertaking industrial transfer, pull factor, key industries, Industrial distribution
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