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Integrated Innovation Management Research In The Field Of Mobile Communications Applications

Posted on:2010-11-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X D BiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199360275991289Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the national science and technology convention, Chinese nation chairman Hu Jintao announced that "Our goal of Chinese science and technology development is to build an innovation country before the year of 2020, to support powerfully the econy and society developments". Obviously this goal is timely and strategic. Faced with such a precious historic opportunity, product innovation performs more important and urgently.Chinese mobile communication started quite late until the beginning of 1990th. However several years later, our mobile communication industy started the flying development. Nowadays Chinese mobile communication operators and network have been the most biggest and influencial operators, such as CMCC and CU. But most of the mobile communication technology and products are still monopolised by foreign vendors. Then how to design and develop innovation technology and products by ourselves, how to set up the effective product integrated inovation platform, these problems are our urgent problem to be solved.Base on my lots of years' product management and partner management experience, I studied and learnd the relevant study production of forgoing persons. Then I spent half of year to bring forward and analyse the product integrated innovation method and its application in mobile communicaiton industy. And I studied and analysed its operation plan, operation method, team managements. As for its performance evaluation, integration ability and innovation ability are focused and analysed, applied this theory to design an real evalation method for mobile communicaiton industry. Then the integration cost, integration time, integration degrees, and their relationships are studies to optimize this system. Finally based on forgoing theories, this thesis analysed 3G which is the representation of integreated innovation of China.
Keywords/Search Tags:product innovation, integrated innovation, mobile communication, study
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