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Chinese Characteristics Of The Pension System Is Constructed

Posted on:2009-10-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G W ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199360242494740Subject:Social security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Reduce old age pension system is an important means of poverty, the people's life, economic growth and social stability and development had a tremendous impact, but, "Social Security only way we walk half," from 20 start of the 1970s, Because the impact of the oil crisis, the global economic slowdown and the ageing of the population, etc. factors, the sustainable development of the pension system faces severe challenges, become the focus of attention and discussion of one of the issues that all countries in the world in pensions reform of the system of the tide . Although all countries in the world because of background and cultural differences, and reform measures also vary, but how to establish a sustainable development of the pension system, reform of the pension system has become a core issue, and it is to reform the pension system in the face a major issue.Since the 1990s, in the original planned economic system on the basis of the pension system, and our country to reform the pension system has been initially established the basic framework for the smooth progress of China's reform and opening up, economic development and social tability has made an important contribution. However, the "old have not become rich first" Chinese characteristics background conditions, pensions and the gradual building of the transition, as well as the development of the mbalance between urban and rural areas, and so on, the Chinese havenot yet finalized their pension systems are facing common abroad the problem, they are also facing difficulties with Chinese characteristics, and how to construct solution to China's pension system, causing a wide range of disputes, pension reform and become the focus of attention, therefore, propose countermeasures and suggestions, effective and properly romote the pension reform, become the economic development, social stability and building a harmonious society is of great practical significance of the study.In this paper the characteristics of China's pension system building explorations, in the hope that foreign domestic experience and concluded on the basis of practice, to improve the pension system with Chinese characteristics measures and proposals.First of all, on the pension system and its content and related theories, and the dissection of the pension system understanding, in order to further discussions on the pension system to lay the basis for reunification; second practice of foreign pension reform and the history of China's pension system changes, compared visit distinction conditions, the problems and find common experiences and practices laws, I used at the same time a thorough understanding of China the status of the pension system, problems, a new historical conditions of the new requirements of pension reform, sound with Chinese characteristics pension system. Of the significance of the study is to apply, in the above study on the basis of analysis of the existing pension system in China in the operation of the existing problems, in accordance with the fairness and efficiency in keeping with the principle of sustainable development, the proposal of building a pension system with Chinese characteristics ideas and Countermeasures recommendations, it is this focus and purpose.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese characteristics, pension system
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