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Salt Merchants Residential Garden Tourism Resources For Sustainable Development

Posted on:2009-09-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199360242493520Subject:Tourism Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Yangzhou salters appeared in the Ming dynasty and became strong in the Qing dynasty. The salters owned the most of the wealth of China. They spent much money on the building of residences whose size was almost the number one in the country. As their residences were always combined with gardens, they were called residence gardens. The salters'gardens in Yangzhou show splendid ways of building gardens and deep culture intention. There are many delicate handcrafts in the gardens.As the city that owns Habitat Scroll of Honor, Yangzhou preserve a lot of salters'gardens. Some of them, such as Ge Garden,Wang Garden ,were protected and developed effectively. However, many of them are allocated or empty. It is a very difficult task for us to protect and develop the gardens.In order to protect the gardens and release their values, we should design and develop reasonably. We may integrate the resources to make the superior release, excavate the culture intention of the gardens to publicize the culture of Yangzhou, offer humanizational service , find new ways to finance and develop and publicize the knowledge of protecting environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yangzhou, salters'gardens, tourism, sustainable development
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