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To Avoid The Trap Of Customer Satisfaction Explore

Posted on:2008-03-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X N LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199360242468866Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Management guru Peter Drucker once said: "to satisfy the customer is each enterprise's mission and goals." Along with the development of theories and practices of marketing, more and more enterprises realize that effective customer possession is more important than the blind market share, and it is essential for building up the lasting competitive advantages and stable sources of profits in the market competition to establish and maintain a good relationship with the customer. There is no doubt that satisfied customer is more likely to become loyal customer and loyal customer is usually very satisfied with the products. However, the phenomenon which should not be overlooked is that some enterprises pursuing the excellently highest prize of quality has been gradually suffered from financial crisis. Customer satisfaction does not mean customer loyalty and satisfied customer often acts betrayals. Meanwhile there is a high satisfaction and low loyalty phenomenon known as customer satisfaction trap existing in many sectors.As the global buyer's market comes and the market competition intensifies, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the survival and development of enterprises. Many internal enterprises start to pay attention to customer needs. They take a lot of customer-oriented measures to improve customer satisfaction and enable customer to purchase their products and services. According to traditional concepts, there is a simple linear relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty: improvement of the qualities of products and services causes improvement of customer satisfaction, and the improvement of customer satisfaction brings customer loyalty, as a result the value of loyalty of enterprise forms correspondingly. Conversely, customer's betrayal and enterprise's loss are led to. So as long as to meet and ensure customer satisfaction, customer loyalty can be created and considerable profits can be expected as well. However, it is found in practice and study that it is not a simple linear relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty. Customer satisfaction does not equal to customer loyalty. Through the survey many enterprises find that though customer satisfaction improves, these customers still change to choose the products and services of their competitors with all kinds of reasons. Customer satisfaction does not seem to bring these enterprises the stable source of profits. So many operators and managers wonder that why our performance is bad with high customer satisfaction, and why our customers lost so seriously. Due to the existence of customer satisfaction trap, the necessary of the implement of customer satisfaction strategy is doubted in the both academic and industrial circles. The paradox of theory and practice inspires the author to research into the customer satisfaction trap, which makes this theme come into being.Regarding the theory as the guide, this paper systematically and generally sumsup both internal and external results of researches into customer satisfaction andcustomer loyalty and the evaluations and views of the results of these studies aregiven. The causes of customer satisfaction trap are deeply discussed, and ultimately,the solutions to avoid the customer satisfaction trap are offered. The main focusesand innovations of this paper lie in that it is under the circumstance of competition,with the thought of the relationship marketing and the strategy of customerrelationship management, that the solutions to avoid customer satisfaction trap areexplored through placing the causes of customer satisfaction trap in the dynamicmarket movement process. This study firstly states both the theoretical value andpractical value of studying the customer satisfaction trap and the internal andexternal status quo and development trends of theories of customer satisfaction andcustomer loyalty. Next, the paper centering on customer satisfaction and customerloyalty gives the theoretical exposition and describes the connotations, values andrelationship of them in detail. The third and the forth parts are the focal points of thewhole study in which the causes of customer satisfaction trap are concretelydescribed; the opinions are raised as well; solutions to avoid of the customersatisfaction trap are made. In the fifth part, the theme takes the Chinese telecom industry as an example to evidentially analyze the solutions to avoid customer satisfaction trap. Finally, a summary of this paper is made.
Keywords/Search Tags:Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction Trap, Relationship Marketing
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