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S & P Sutton Company's Marketing Strategy

Posted on:2008-01-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199360215985454Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The 21st century is the time of information, the informationtechnology, sweeping the world, has deeply changed man's Mode ofProduction and lifestyle, the IT industry has became one of leadingindustres that drive nation' economic development. This paper' object isShenzhen Poseidon Network Co., Ltd.'s marketing activities, the paperintegrate the true things of IT market and the resource and qualificationinside the corpotation, and research profoundly, the issue point outShenzhen Poseidon Network Co., Ltd. inside the IT market that theexpand space is immensity and growing day after day, indicate thatbecause of the senior manager of the enterprise make a point ofmarketing activities and the effort of all employees, the company has abig progress, the size become grandness. During the time of price war isvery intense, the succeed of marketing determine the corpotation'survive.After introduced the related theory of marketing strategies, adoptedsome methods like analysis on a case and on strongpoints and weakpoints, the issue has analysed the existent problem under the existingmarketing system; then analysed the demand characteristic of the bigclient, the analysis is under the surroundings of IT industry and the newmarket location; and then design a new marketing strategies system thatgive different kinds of client different strategies, and then discuss thisidea by a material case; and last analyse and consummate the company'sensurement mechanism of marketing strategies can redesign and actualize.The issue has not only pointed out the problems that existed incompany, but also has given countermeasures and implement advices thatcan solve the problems, and this all based on analyse systemicly thatShenzhen Poseidon Network Co., Ltd.' marketing system. All of this iswant to upgrade the level of management, increase the benefit of thecorporation; and it give the IT suppliers and agents a support that handlethe new marketing theory to begin the new marketing actions.
Keywords/Search Tags:marketing strategies, security mechanism, key client, IT market
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