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Railway Bureau Group Strategic Planning

Posted on:2007-08-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X D ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199360215498404Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the 21st century, market competition depends more and more on informationtechnology, this situation also exists in construction industry. Therefore, the research andestablishment of the information technology strategy of CTCE become necessary andurgent and this is also the main purpose of this dissertation especially in reconstructing theinformation technology architecture of CTCE.On the basis of defining the concept of the information technology in constructionindustry, adoptting interfix theory and research method of economy, manage andsystem, etc, this paper analyses the industry environment and technology trend whereCTCE lies, and the corporation competence of information technology in details it pointsout the difference from other rivals in technology capability. This paper has proposed asolution to the information technology strategy of CTCE and also mapped out detailedmeasures for implementing these strategies, including reengineering organization structure,enhancing investment on human resource, financial resource and device resource,establishing integrated development architecture of information technology, in order toreinforce the competence of information technology. This paper also suggests that variousdevelopment modes such as independent, outsourcing and cooperative development shouldbe used to gradually realize the strategy target of information technology of the corporationand enhance the synersistie competition force of the enterprise.
Keywords/Search Tags:China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Group Co.Ltd(CTCE), Core Competence, Information Strategy
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