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Corporate Eco-efficiency Accounting Evaluation

Posted on:2007-04-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L WangFull Text:PDF
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In this century, as an important part, enterprises must know how toface with the continue development and how to keep compete. At thesame time, as environmental problems becoming more and more, asenvironmental rules becoming stricter and stricter, the relation betweenenvironmental performance and economic performance is tighter andtighter. However, the traditional performance evaluating systems do notvalue the conjoint performance of environmental performance andeconomic performance. So this paper studies the concept ofeco-efficiency and set up new eco-efficiency indicator system andevaluation systems to overcome this problem.Based on the international research situation, this paper set up a neweco-efficiency indicator system. Firstly, it states the research backgroundand the significance of eco-efficiency, the present research situation andthe purpose of this paper; secondly it analyses the theory ofeco-efficiency in the second chapter; thirdly it gives some indicators tomeasure the eco-efficiency of an enterprise in the third chapter; forthly, itmakes up a new model—the eco-efficiency fuzzy model to help evaluatethe present situation the performance timely; fifthly, it analyses theapplication of the indicator system and the evluating model. As a result,the indicator system can conjoint the environmental performance andeconomic performance. Moreover, the eco-efficiency fuzzy model isuseful in evaluating the overall performance.The core of this paper is constructing the eco-efficiency indicatorsystem and evaluating the overall performance of a company by theeco-efficiency fuzzy model.
Keywords/Search Tags:eco-efficiency, accounting evaluating, eco-efficiency indicators
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