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An Economic Analysis Of The Oil-shortage Under The Higher-priced Situation In China

Posted on:2010-03-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H T HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199330338986946Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the year 2003 and the first half of 2008, the world and China's economy grow rapidly, it made the China's external dependence on oil resources increase rapidly, Domestic oil supply and demand have become increasingly conspicuous. The"Oil-shortage"in the refined oil market and the loss of oil companies have a great negative impact to the policy of building a harmonious society. Combined author's work experience in the oil industry with the macro-micro economic theory, from the theoretical discussion and empirical analysis of qualitative and quantitative, this article made a systematic and in-depth analysis on this phenomenon and put forward some innovative views and ideas.At first, it introduces the background and significance of this research, and makes a summary of the reasons of "Oil-shortage" phenomenon. Secondly,the thesis analyze the international and domestic reasons of this phenomenon.At last,it analyze the impact of "Oil-shortage" phenomenon. The last chapter gives some suggestions to deal with "Oil-shortage".This article concluded that: China has no pricing power on the international oil prices, the domestic resource constraints are in relatively severe situation, and there is also a shortcoming in the oil pricing system and the mechanism of the oil industry, therefore as a threat to China's oil security, the "Oil-shortage" phenomenon cannot be evaded. To resolve the "Oil-shortage" phenomenon, it is necessary to fundamentally improve the national macro-economic control and to promote the reform in the price and industry regulatory, and we should also actively participate in the international oil market pricing, so as to make the development of China's oil market more stable and efficient.
Keywords/Search Tags:Oil prices, Refined oil, Oil-shortage, Game theory, Economic Analysis
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