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Li Fuchun Economic Thought,

Posted on:2011-11-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199330332985354Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Li Fuchun is an outstanding member of the Communist Party of China, an outstanding proletarian political activist, revolutionary, a founder and an organizer of the new China's socialist economic construction, and an experienced leader in the field of finance and economy of our party and country. As early as the 1920s, when Li Fuchun acted as Jiangxi Provincial Party Secretary and organized the economic development of Jiangxi Soviet, he showed his talent in economic leadership. Over the next 40 years, Li Fuchun had not only made outstanding contributions to financial and economic work of our party and the country, but also had written a large amount of economic works. The economic works, which are rich in economic thought, are a conclusion of his practical experience in financial and economic job for many years. Li Fuchun always thinks that agriculture is the basis and fundamental of the national economy; he always stresses that science and technology should serve the production and put emphasis on talents's cultivation and introduction; he practiced and developed New Democracy's economic thought by organizing Yan'an's and Ximan's mass production movement and developing the Northeast's urban economy; he has a profound and sober understanding of on the inevitability, the possibility of difficulty, complexity and the long-term of China's socialist industrialization; he especially makes a great contribution to implementation of policy measures of China's socialist industrialization; he was responsible for preparing and organizing the implementation of the national economy "the first five years " plan and first proposed the thoughts of national economy adjustment; he stressed that accumulation funds and consumption funds should maintain the appropriate ratio and co-ordinated the lives of urban workers and peasants in order to avoid the gap and he also stressed people should the thrift in their production and life. Some of these ideas were important and instructive at that time, but today they still have certain practical significances; although some thoughts are not practical today, but at the time they were right; also at that time, some of the ideas were not completely right in that background, however, these have a specific exposition of the historical environment. This paper elaborate Li Fuchun's economic thoughts from six aspects, that is agriculture, technology, finance, socialist industrialization, economic management, and distribution of national income, tries to make a realistic assessment according to the basic principles of historical materialism, and explores its significance of reality.
Keywords/Search Tags:Li Fuchun, Economic Thought, Industy, Plan, Adjust, Income Distribution
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