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The Research On Higher Education Resource Allocation And Counterpart Assistance Plan

Posted on:2009-09-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q P LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2197330338952922Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, in the process of Chinese comprehensive construction well-off society, the gap of economic, social, cultural and educational development between the east and west district is becoming bigger and bigger, which has gradually become one of the. most prominent social issues. Especially the existence of educational gap and it's gradual enlargement has realistically impact the sustainable and harmonious development of Chinese education. According to the statistics, now the per capita GDP of west district is only 41% of that in the east district and the comprehensive knowledge capacity index 35%. The unbalance development of economic, social and modernization between east and west districts has severely influenced socialist essence of our country, which is to realize the ethnic equality, ethnic mutual development and ethnic mutual prosperity in China. As a kind of deficient higher education resource, to be optimally allocated is necessary requirement for higher education's sustainable development.According to the central government's deployment, first basing on the east-west counterpart assistance relationship, Beijing, Tianjing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, Liaoning Fujian,etc. provinces and municipalities counterpart-assist Neimenggu, Gansu, Yunnan, Guangxi, Shanxi, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Qinhai provinces and Ningxia, Dalian, Qingdao, Shenzhen, Ningbo,etc. cities directly support Guizhou provinces. In June,2001, the education ministry started plan of counterpart-assisting colleges and universities in west regions, which demands the universities in east regions and large and medium cities in west regions vigorously support the development of educational undertakings in west regions in the form of capital support, teachers'training and communication, educational managers'training, joint school running, etc. After that, the educational ministry put forward some special projects, such as supporting frontiers' discipline construction plan, counterpart-assisting ethnic colleges, etc. It involves more than 20 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in China. All the above need much manpower, material resource and financial resource. It's a large-scale and complicated systematic education project.As one mean of optimized higher education resource allocation, if the great project can be smoothly complemented and the benefit of counterpart assistance resource from east regions can be farthest brought depends on the key work:optimally and effectively allocate the limited higher education resource, and set up efficient educational counterpart assistance operating mechanism. This not only needs to be discussed theoretically, but also responsed in practice. However, it's not easy to develop such big research nationwide and also not practical. The reason is that the specific conditions in different regions implementing educational counterpart assistance are various. So we should discuss and study these regions in the way "anatomy a sparrow". That is to study one university in implementing party and find out the law to meet requirement in future practice.Based on theories related to optimized higher educational resource allocation, this article only uses Peking university-Shihezi university counterpart assistance plan as a breakthrough to make overall comparative analysis on the history and present situation of higher educational resource allocation in aspects of general status, financial input status, students' condition, teachers'structure, architecture condition, book collection amount and the university's strength condition, etc. It aims to offer some reference to the optimized allocation of higher education resource, as well as theoretical guidance and support to the educational counterpart assistance practice in Xinjiang and even in the whole country.
Keywords/Search Tags:Higher education resource, Counterpart assistance plan, Resource allocation
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