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On The Influence Of Children's Books On The Development Of Personality

Posted on:2011-06-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2196360332955303Subject:Ideological and Political Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Children's books play an important role in nurturance of children's personality. Good children's books can guide children into character-building, steely nerves and good personality. Bad children's books could also tell upon the nurturance of children's personality. Giving a profound analysis of the relationship, existing problems and solutions between children's books and the nurturance of children's personality is of great practical and theoretical significance to the cultivation of children's personality and expand the view of ideological and political education.Children's books are the ones mainly read by children. It is one of the effective vehicles for prompting nurturance of children's personality. And it has guidance, encouragement and internalization functions to nurturance of children's personality. Nowadays, A number of problems of children's books remain to be solved, such as poor quality of domestic books, market flooded with foreign books,hot sales of recreational books, homogenization of science readings and failures to prohibit vulgar children's books. These problems all effect on the nurturance of personality and healthy growth of children. The effect of children's books on the cultivation of character of children is two-way. On the one hand, good books for children provide the right personality-oriented. Help children develop a good strong and innovative healthy personality. On the other hand, poor children, children's books will make a number of moral personality declines, such as confused, decadent, self-centered issues. Solidly and effectively solve the problem in children's books, effectively develop a positive and healthy learning environment for the children and help them to provide a good personality. We should focus on doing the following areas:To increase children's books published and sold by management, and constantly improve the punishment mechanism.; schools should promote students put reading in an important position, not to shield their reading in the name of learning; Parents and schools should actively co-selection of reading materials for students; Improve the quality of creation of children's books constantly; Increase and improve public libraries gradually, especially children's museum building.
Keywords/Search Tags:children's books, children, the development of personality
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