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Comparative Study Of Kant's And Marx's Theory Of Self-conaciousnese

Posted on:2011-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M HouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2195330338977255Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
we know that epistemology is a theory about reflecting therelationship between the self-consciousness and the world. By thestudy of epistemology, we can obtain the conclusion that the selfconsciousnessis the logical subject of epistemology and the world isthe logical object of epistemology. Researching self-awareness hasbeen one of the themes of epistemology (or philosophy).Kant contend that the transcendental self-consciousness(or Ich) usingsynthetic unit of apperception get these heteropoly presentationinto the concepts of the understanding through the synthesis ofapprehension in intuition, the synthesis of reproduction inimagination and the synthesis of recognition in a concept. Thus, thepriori synthetic judgments as the only form of universality knowledgeand certainty knowledge will be come. A characteristic of thetranscendental self-consciousness are priori and activity.Marx believe that Self-consciousness is one consciousness aboutour lives and activities (including physical activities and consciousor thinking activities) and about subject position, subject strengthand subject activities of people. Marx consider that people insociety are aware of their dominant position and set up some ofrelationships between the subject and the object through practicalactivities as well as they transformed the objective world andsubjective world dynamically, which is reflected by me. So, thisself-consciousness have characters of individual, universality andactivity.By Kant and Marx's theory comparison of self-consciousness, we seethat the people as experimenter can recognize the ability of practiceactivity as entity in the society. Such self-consciousness have beenbelonged by people show concern for human life, verify the essencestrength of poeple and confirm the ideal of freedom.
Keywords/Search Tags:epistemology, self-consciousness, activity, consciousness of object, subject of practice
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