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Satire, Toward The Plight Of The Genre

Posted on:2011-11-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H C SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2195330332481248Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Fengci," semantically, refers to "satire" instead of "irony" in English, while "genre" is a category of literature rather than work. Satirical genre has a vulgar nature, mixed and dialogic characteristics. In the late eighteenth century and early nineteenth century, satirical genre was represented by pasquinade advocated by Goethe and satirical feeling created by Schiller. Faced with the challenge of satirical rhetoric at this time, satirical genre tended towards a plight, specially reflected in the decline of pasquinade and illusion of the satirical feeling. Pasquinade was displayed by Menippean satire and Roman satire. It was in a boom period in Roman and achieved some success in the neoteric time but it failed at last. The pasquinade was in decline because of the influence of aberrance of the satirical magazines, interference of the political ideology, the revision of the neoclassicism principle and the bully of the Schiller genre. Satirical feeling comes from two kinds of the genre norms proposed by Schiller. Schiller proposed "naive" and "sentimental" diachronic genre norm, feelings of four-fold way of the feelings of genre norm. The feeling of genre norm is a theory of calibration of diachronic genre norm. Satirical feeling is a genre that known as "satirical poem" in the feelings of genre norm by Schiller. Pasquinade feel the threat from satirical feeling is rooted in both the potential deconstruction of the genre division of normative conflicts. Factors such as unreal of satirical feeling made it ineffective influence in literary history.
Keywords/Search Tags:satirical genre, pasquinade, satirical feeling, plight
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