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Reverse Nuclear Male Sterile Rice Reproductive Characteristics Of Study

Posted on:2006-07-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2193360155469733Subject:Condensed matter physics
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We choosed frome the rice 99-02 which had been irradiated by low energy ion beam as our material studied. First, we study the time between planting and tasseling, the number of leaves on the caulis , the speed of leaves outgrowing by different planting time, also we studied the booming characters and the rate of chapiter bareing .Then we studied the charactious fertility transition conditions. At last, we mesurated the SOD in different conditions.The time between planting and tasseling changed with the planting time. The time of FHS, PA64S changed more clearly than that of xiang1. Comparing the different passels rice , we get the result that the Photo- thermo-sensitive genic male sterile rice are more sensitive to temperature than normal rice, and the time between plangting and tasseling changed more greatly with planting time than normal rice did. The number of leaves on the caulis of Photo- thermo-sensitive genic male sterile rice and normal rice changed incoordinately with the planting time. After the study, we concluded that the number of leaves on the caulis of Photo- thermo-sensitive genic male sterile rice changed more rapidly than that of normal rice did. The different planting time affected the speed of leaves outgrowing just unconspicuously. Especially the prophase,the effect could hardly been observed.We sdudyid the characters of FHS and PA64S and find mat: FHS had an obvious ablooming fastigum at the day they began to the abloom, Most of bloom abloomed in the morning; On the second day, there were two indistinct fastigums separately. Compared with FHS, PA64S had one unobvious ablooming fastigum on the first day. on the second day, there was no obvious ablooming fastigum , and the number of blooms reduced gradually. After the study of the ablooming days, we fonded that for FHS individual plant' s ablooming lasted out for 13 days, namely from August12th to August25th;single spike ablooming lasted out for 5 days, namely from August5th to August10th. for PA64S, individual plant ablooming lasted out for 15days, namely from August17th to September1th; single spike ablooming lasted out for 6days,namely from August 18th to August24th. After the studay of the ablooming distribution, we get the result that both FHS and PA64S began to abloom two days after they tasseled.The ferlity of Photo- thermo-sensitive genie male sterile rice(PTGMSR) ws affected greatly by the temperature. We studyed FHS fertility transition through different planting time and different temperature trasaction, and we could draw the conclusionrin zhengzhou area, the fertility of FHS is steady from the last ten days of July to the middle ten days of August.which was it's fertility period; the middle ten days of August to the last ten days of August is it's fertility trasition period, during which it was partly fertile period;The days from the last ten days of August was its completely sterile period.Consulting on the weather datum and the temperature trasacting the rice with which, we got itt critical temperature: the fertile critical temperature is 27~28"C, the sterile temperature is 23~24°C.In the study, we mensurerted the SOD living of Photo-thermo-sensitive genie male sterile rice in different growth phases, the results were: the SOD living Photo- thermo-sensitive genie male sterile rice was not related with the fertility but the temperature.And in different growth phase, the sensitivity of the rice to temperature was not the same.In detail, the rice was more sensitive to temperature in bud period and in meiosis than in three-leave period. In the bud period and meiosis period, the SOD living were much higher under high and low temperature than under normal teperature.Besides,in the same growth phase, the sensitivity of different parts of rice was differentfor examper, in the meiosis period, the SOD living of young spike changed rapidly with the temperature,but that of leaves in the same phase hardly changed.
Keywords/Search Tags:revers genic sterile rice, The time between planting and tasseling, blooming characters, the rate of chapiter bareing, fertility trasition
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