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University Stadium Design Study

Posted on:2002-11-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2192360032454274Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid and continued development of national economy3 the government strengthen the capital Investment to high educat!offl"he sports Installations of university,especially gmpnaslum constrUction,have developed quickly In recent"ars.The construction ofgnaslum has become an lmportallt task needing our careful research.Mainly from design sense and pattern,this article analyses mV probloms ofunlversltymnaslums In our courtry. On the base ofanalysing the characteristics ofunlverlty gylllnaslums In new period,the auhor made a prelim!ump study of the gponaslum's site types, environment forms ect.He pointed out that the design pattern of university gyTllnaslums should irst meet the need of university's physical education,and at the same tlmC give constheratlon to sports competltioll performancC3meeting and other activities,Instead or applying the design pattern of social gyinaslum snnplyandmechanlcally.University's gnaslums should use movable bleachers as much as possible so as to make full use ofspace.The author also made a reasonable forecas for the dev tendency of university naslums.He pointed out that multi-function,high efficiency,low cost and obvious times feature should be the direction for the design pattern ofunlverslty gylllnaslums!n new period....
Keywords/Search Tags:university gponaslums new desmp pattern multi-function
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