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Henan Population And Sustainable Development Problems

Posted on:2001-07-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2191360002952725Subject:Scientific Socialism and the international communist movement
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
~J~A n -f~i~ Abstract Sustained development statagem is a brand new evolution ideology and stratagem proposed in the end of 80?s after fully and enrnestly summarizing its own development course, resurveying its social and economic behaviors. Now it has been the very important ploblem paid attention by many countries and so does by Chinese Communist Party and our nation. In 揟he plan for the national economy & the 9th social Five year plan and the design of perspective aim in 2010 for people?s Republic of China 揹iscussed and approved by the 4th conference of the 8th National People?s Congress, it was brought forward that it is a must to practice the sustained development statagem in China in the future. President Jiang Zemin pointed out in his report in 15th National people?s Congress that China is a country with large population and inadequate resource, so we must to carry out sustained development stratagem in the modernized reconstruction. We should hold on the basic national policy of family planning and environmental protecion, correctly handle the relation between economic development and population, resource and environment. In the meeting of 揚opulation, resource and environment?by central Committee of communist Party of China in March this year, President Jiang said,?In the relation among of population, resource and en~vironment, population is the most important? Population is a question of first important in practicing sustained development stragagem in China. Henan is large agriculture province with the largest population in China. In the process of economics rapidly increasing, we are faced with the historical task of elevating the social productive forces, enforcing the integral strength and improving public living standard. Meanwhile we are confronted with quite austere problems and difficulties, such as excessively rapid growing of population, the shortage of per capita resources and low usage rate, severe environment pollution and etc, which have been bringing us various unfavorable factors. If we are only absorbed in the immediate interests intead of the long term interests, it must bring the economics of our province into a dead bystreet. Therefore to carry out the sustained development stratagem has great strategic significance and there is no time to delay. This article elaborates the relation of population problem and lasting developmenat in three aspects. In the first part, the essay explains the relation in general meaning, starting from our national condition, this part includes four gradutions: one is the relation between population and resources. Resources is the fundmental factor for lasting development and the ultimate factor of restricting lasting development, we are rich in natural sources, but because population cardinal number in big and increasing speed is too fast, our average possessing quatity is relatively few. So; it is a good method .to protect and utilize retionally the natural sources to Afli~]M~ control the population number effectively. Another in the relation between population and enviroment, Human population?s quick increasing is one of the reasons that make our envir...
Keywords/Search Tags:Sustainable
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