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Research On Tort Liability Of Indoor Decoration Pollution

Posted on:2016-08-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Q LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2191330470952531Subject:Environment and Natural Resources Protection Act
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The current Environment Protection Law has made regulations on the supervisionand management of environmental protection, but it can be found through carefulanalysis of its content that most of the articles aim at large-area and large-scale pollutionproblems and often refers to the outdoor pollution and destruction. With thedevelopment of society and economy, the content of traditional environmental pollutionchanges continuously and indoor environmental pollution has far exceeded the outdoorenvironmental pollution, and its pollution sources develop in the direction toward thediversification. The use of environmentally unfriendly materials in residentialdecoration can easily lead to indoor environmental pollution, which is a direct threat topeople’s health. In modern society, residential decoration has become an importantsource of indoor environmental pollution. It not only does harm to people’s health, butalso affects social harmony.Firstly, this paper is an overview of the tort liability of residential decorationpollution, elaborating the connotation and characteristics of common pollution sourcesand causes of residential decoration pollution, clarifying the tort subject and liability ofresidential decoration pollution and comparing the tort liability of residential decorationpollution and the affiliated’s liability. Secondly, from the aspect of responsibility ofproducers of residential decoration products, this paper subdivides the responsibility ofproducts causing residential decoration pollution and clarifies the liability subject andscope of liability according to actual situation. Thirdly, starting from analyzing liabilityof residential decoration pollution, this paper analyzes the sources and causes ofresidential decoration pollution from the aspects of liability subject and contents, anddiscusses them from legal perspective. Finally, this paper finds out the shortages anddefects of the current legislation and particularly analyzes the definition of indoorenvironment, the standard of spiritual compensation, punishment mechanism, sociallegal aid and problems existing in other aspects in the current Environment ProtectionLaw and puts forward suggestions on this basis.The creation of this paper is that the legal provisions of domestic environmentallegislation on the residential decoration pollution is less specific and problems ofresidential decoration pollution are not effective treated. To solve the above problems, this paper comprehensively analyzes the current laws on environmental pollution fromthe aspect of tort subject, elements of tort and distribution of liability, etc.
Keywords/Search Tags:Indoor decoration, Pollution, Tort liability, Social compensation
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