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Environmental Vulnerability And Social Responses In Dahongshan Yi Villges,Xinping, Yunnan

Posted on:2016-02-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China is currently facing such as population, wealth gap, environmental degradation, climate change, and a lot of pressure. No matter in the West or East, so long as social development and progress, those are faced and solved. It is worth noting and reflection, when we strive to promote the economic development of an area, ignoring the local culture and ecological diversity resulting environmental damage and ecological imbalance. One of the most serious environmental vulnerability intensified, the ecological environment has the resilience once destroyed can’t be restored as ever, environmental issues will be intensified.This paper did a research and reflection problems of environmental vulnerability in Xinping, Yunnan, Dahongshan Yi village. After the local ecological environment due to natural disasters and man-made factors together suffered irreversible damage. That resilience is weakened and environmental vulnerability is aggravated. One of the most important elements is human factor that mining development. This phenomenon is worthy of reflection. Two mines of Dahongshan led to the loss of ground water, environmental pollution (eg. gas emissions, noise, dust, ground severe vibration, etc.) and other problems exacerbated by drought and local soil erosion, so that the environmental vulnerability heightened. According to the analysis of the vulnerability of the local environment, it is to warn people not to make the same mistake, whether as an excuse for any purpose can’t at the expense of the ecological environment for the price. In addition, the paper also analyzes the future environment of heightened vulnerability, local villagers and the government made a series of response, including the physical and spiritual level. Some of these coping feasible, some less, I hope we can respond to future environmental studies of vulnerability and learn to play the role of prevention.
Keywords/Search Tags:Environmental vulnerability, Mining development, Social response
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