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Research On Problem Of Ecological Crisis Based On Ecological Psychology

Posted on:2015-11-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2191330425489964Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of modern society, the scope and extent of human’sintervention in nature is constantly expanding and deepening. Consequentially, seriesof adverse global ecological phenomenon such as shrinking of forest cover, grasslanddegradation, soil erosion, expanding deserts, pool depletion and deterioration ofenvironmental quality, abnormal climate, ecological balance disorders, etc., emergefrequently. This severely affects human’s living and the development of economy,and effective measures must be taken to improve ecological environment.This thesis is aiming at analyzing current environmental problems in Chinafrom ecological psychology point of view. Comparative analyses will be presentedbased on related theories from education, psychology, and economics aspects, withfocus on the substance of the frequent occurrence of ecological crisis, which offers anew perspective in examining ecological crisis. This thesis emphasizes the dual rolesthat people play in the ecosystem, namely, the consumers of natural resources, andthe guardian of ecosystem. When behavior of consumer and guardian clashed, itreveals intrinsically linked relationship between behavioral problems and ecologicalcrisis, which clearly indicates that human behavior, is the main cause of theecological balance disorders in modern society.Human is the main research subject under eco-psychology filed. Based onpsychology perception of ecological crisis, the theory of“ecological self” has beenproposed. This theory goes beyond the antagonistic relationship between man andnature which presents the self-state of integration between man and nature.Ecological self-theory reflects the notion of subject-object unity, and extends fromthe individual sense of self to the ecology, the natural extension of the self.Ecological identity, ecological experience, ecological practice is the triple structureof ecological self. It advocates the use of education in shaping people’s ecological behavior, so as to establish internal adjustment mechanism of psychological behaviortowards environment. It proposes appropriate management measures to buildenvironment-friendly society from the layer of human behavior so as to makecontributions in solving ecological crisis, and to promote harmonized, healthy andsustainable development between man and nature. The goal of analyzing is to makepsychological researches achieving an actual “ecological balance”within theenvironment. It will nevertheless merge ecology and psychology fields into aninclusive and unified penetration embodying the notion of Eco-psychology throughmutual coordination and complementarity.
Keywords/Search Tags:ecological crisis, ecological psychology, ecological self
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