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Value On The Root Causes Of Ecological Crisis And Coping Thinking

Posted on:2012-05-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2191330335980122Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, the science technology has developed rapidly and created the plenty of wealth and intelligent achievement for human, and also at the same time, the peoples'produce system, lifestyle and the way of thinking went through a great change. When people were busy to reach their prosperity of material civilization, the human themselves had faced an unexpected and serious crisis. The global ecological deterioration and environmental crisis have become the biggest problem to human in 21st century. With the process of industrialization speed up, the human civilization has reached an amazing level which they never reached before. However, at the same time, people cannot ignore those kinds of problems such as ecological deterioration, pollution issue, shortage of resources, population raised up and etc. which are all relate to peoples'future and development. If we just ignored those issues, our life would be ruined and there would be no more future. Therefore, people have to find out where they were wrong and how they can pull those off, that is to say, we need thinking and solution. To solve this problem, it calls for people to be rational and scientific. And the solution cannot be simply defined as to banish the principle of subject itself completely; it has to be not only abandoned the mistakes in traditional anthropocentrism and also avoid the trend of over emphasized the object in none- anthropocentrism, thus, to set up a brand new ecological value to the great development between the human and nature. We need to acknowledge the ecological value scientifically, deal with the connection between human and nature correctly and most importantly, we need to insist on people foremost, obey the natural rules, economical rules and social rules, considered the population, resources, environment and etc. wisely, for the needs of long-term goal's development, to keep our quality and profits raised up to the next level.This paper regards the ecological issue as clue, through analyzing the theory of ecological value to show the relationship between the ecological value and ecological issue and regards building up new ecological value for long-term goals as the main body. This paper consist 5 parts: part one is introduction, mainly introduce the background of the topic, the purpose and meaning, and also the trend in this area from all over the world. The Chapter One named"the causing, the developing and the essence of ecological issue", it emphasizes the problems of the inner features, phenomenon and essence of ecological issue. Chapter two is the analysis to few values which relate to the ecological issue, through the comparison between the anthropocentrism and non- anthropocentrism and think the deep meanings of being scientific and rational in the values. Chapter Three is to show how to solve the problem and discuss to build up a new value; it is the key of the whole paper too. How does people transformed the value into another, how to understand the inner meaning and demands in new ecological value and where did the human get based on this ecological value etc. all of these questions I mentioned, you will find the answer in Chapter Three in this paper. At the end of the paper, is the conclusion, and also planning a wonderful future.The goal of this paper is that through the analysis on ecological value, appeal people to set up a correct concept, deal with people and nature smoothly, thus, we will build a?conservation-oriented society and environmental friendly society. And also, build up a great economical society in future with wise, harmony and continuable scientific concept.
Keywords/Search Tags:ecological crisis, the root of the value, value transform, new ecological value
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