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Integral Method And The One-dimensional P-laplacian Boundary Value Problem, Positive Solution

Posted on:2009-05-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F ShaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2190360272957535Subject:Applied Mathematics
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In this article the existence and nonexistence are considered for the p-Laplacianboundary value problemswhere p > 1,α≥0, andλ> 0 is a positive parameter. Assume that the followingconditions are satisfied:(A0) f : (0,+∞)â†'(-∞,+∞) is continuous, and there exists aμ* > 0 such thatf(μ*) = 0, f(u) > 0 for u∈(0,μ?) and f(u) < 0 for u∈(μ*,+∞).(A1) For the case of Tμ* < +∞, there exists a 0 <ε<μ* such that f is decreasingon (μ* -ε,μ*), where-1/pLetandwhere 0≤w≤r, r∈Λ.When Tμ* < +∞, denotewhere wα*∈[0,μ*) be given by the equationThe main results of this paper as follows.Theorem 1.1 Assume that Tμ* = +∞.(1) The problem (1.1) has no positive solution which satisfies maxt∈[0,1] u(t)≥μ*. (2) If limzâ†'0[f(z)/zp-1] = 0, then there exists aλ1 > 0 such that(2-i) the problem (1.1) has two positive solutions u1,u2 which satisfiesforλ>λ1.(2-ii) the problem (1.1) has a positive solution which satisfies maxt∈[0,1] u(t) <μ*forλ=λ1.(2-iii) the problem (1.1) has no positive solution which satisfies maxt∈[0,1] u(t) <μ? forλ<λ1.(3) If limzâ†'0[f(z)/zp-1] = c where 0 < c < +∞, then there exists aλ1 > 0 suchthat(3-i) the problem (1.1) has a positive solution which satisfies maxt∈[0,1] u(t) <μ?forλ>λ1.(3-ii) the problem (1.1) has no positive solution which satisfies maxt∈[0,1] u(t) <μ?forλ<λ1.(4) If limzâ†'0[f(z)/zp?1] = +∞, then the problem (1.1) has a positive solution whichsatisfies maxt∈[0,1] u(t) <μ? forλ> 0.Theorem 1.2 Assume that Tμ? < +∞.(1) The problem (1.1) has no positive solution which satisfies maxt∈[0,1] u(t) >μ?.(2) The problem (1.1) has no positive solution which satisfies maxt∈[0,1] u(t) =μ?forλ<λα?.(3) The problem (1.1) has a unique positive solution which satisfies maxt∈[0,1] u(t) =μ? forλ≥λα?.Theorem 1.3 Assume that Tμ? < +∞.(1) If limzâ†'0[f(z)/zp?1] = 0, then there exists a 0 <λ1≤λα? such that(1-i) the problem (1.1) has a positive solution which satisfies maxt∈[0,1] u(t) <μ?forλ>λ1.(1-ii) the problem (1.1) has no positive solution which satisfies maxt∈[0,1] u(t) <μ?forλ<λ1. (2) If limzâ†'0[f(z)/zp?1] = c where 0 < c < +∞, then there exists a 0 <λ1≤λα?≤λ2 < +∞such that(2-i) the problem (1.1) has no positive solution which satisfies maxt∈[0,1] u(t) <μ?forλ<λ1 orλ>λ2.(2-ii) the problem (1.1) has a positive solution which satisfies maxt∈[0,1] u(t) <μ?forλ1 <λ<λ2.(3) If limzâ†'0[f(z)/zp?1] = +∞, then there exists aλ1≥λα? > 0 such that(3-i) the problem (1.1) has no positive solution which satisfies maxt∈[0,1] u(t) <μ?forλ>λ1.(3-ii) the problem (1.1) has a positive solution which satisfies maxt∈[0,1] u(t) <μ?for 0 <λ<λ1.
Keywords/Search Tags:p-Laplacian, Boundary value problems, Positive solutions, Quadrature method
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