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Nacl Treatment On Of Suaeda Cell Growth, Ion Content And The Plasma Membrane Atpase

Posted on:2001-05-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ChenFull Text:PDF
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Aseptic seedlings were firstly cultivated in this experiment. In order to induce and subculture callus from hypocotyls and leaves of aseptic seedlings, different hormones and various concentrations. of hormone were added to Murashige and Skoog (Nc) basic culture medium. By means of selecting, the best explant of seedlings and cultur,medium for inducing and subculturing callus had been selected. The callus was treated with different concentration of NaC1 (On*1. 50n1,f. 10,1i*t. 15,rM. 20,wM. 250nM. 30,1iM), then physiological indices were determined after a different time. The results were shown as follows: 1. Qiltivation of aseptic seedlings Sterilized seeds of Suaeda salsa developed cotyledons between four days and five days and stronger hypocotyls that were 2 nm long, with?a 0. 5? mn diameter between twenty days and thirty days after plantation in culture medium. Sterilized stems with lateral bud that were cultivated in greenhouse developed new stems and leaves after plantation in culture medium in two weeks. 2. Inducement and subculture of callus The culture medium No. 3 (MS+2, 4 0. 4 mg/L +BA 0. 5 u,/L) of the first class culture medium (containing midoncentration of auxin and cytokinin) was the opt iual culture medium for inducing and subculturing callus from hypocotyls and for subculturing of callus from leaves, While the culture medium No.12 (NtS+2,4 1 mg/L + BA 0. 4 mgIL) of the second class (containing high concentration of auxin and midoncentration of cytokinin) was the optiml culture medium for inducing callus from leaves. 3. Effect of NaCJ treatment on relative growth rate (RGR). water content and organic dry weight of callus from hypocotyls Callus growth was increased by 50 nil NaCl treatment, showing that the relative growth rate and organic dry weight being higher than control but water content being not different between control and NaC1-reated callus. Relative growth rate, organic dry weight and water content were all decreaed by treatment of higher than 50 nit NaC1. Organic dry weight of callus of NaCl treatment was higher than control on the seventh day, but was lower than the control on the tenth day except for the callus with 50 nit NaC1 treatment. 4. Effect of NaCl treatment on inorganic ion content of the callus Na,content of the callus increased significantly with the increase of NaC1 concentration. Na,content of the callus treated with 300 nit NaCl was nearly twenty times of that of the control: K, content of the callus treated with NaC1 concentration lower than 150 nit increased more greatly and reached a maxinBl value at 150 nit NaCl. K,content declined when NaCl concentration was higher than 150 nit NaC1 ,but still higher than that of the control; Cay?content of the callus with 50 tiM N,l treatment reached a nBxinBl value (about 1. 2 times of the control). Ca2,content declined gradually with increase of NaC1 concentration when NaCJ concentration was higher than 50 nit; CP?content increased with increase of NaCl concentration, but the extent was much less than Na,content; Na/K,and N&/Ca2 ratios ofthe cal1us were increased wi th the incrase of ase1 concentration.5. Effect of An1 treatment on orgnic so1utes contentSo1uble stJggr, mpic acid. PTo1ine and amino acid contenta11 increased with increase of NaCl concentration. Abso1ute contentof so1ub1e suggr was onch greater than any other orggnic so1utes,the reason for that...
Keywords/Search Tags:suaeda salsa L. callus, NaCl treatment, ioncontent, orggnic solutes, osmoadjustment, PM H~+-ATPase
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