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Research On The Construction Of Grain Logistics System Of Heilongjiang Province

Posted on:2011-07-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C R LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360308982186Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Food, human survival, the grain problem has been of great concern for governments. China is a populous country, the grain problem presents much more important. Grain security has become an increasingly serious social problem, depending not only on grain production, but also on consumption. Grain is the end product of agricultural production, with significant seasonal character and its producer separated fro and consumer, the circulation became necessary. The value of grain is more often reflected and enhanced in the circulation. In grain prices, logistics costs accounted for 1/3 or more, and it had become an important part of China's grain security. China's grain circulation of modern technology was still in the initial stages of development, and grain bulk traffic was still hovered around 10 percent, resulting in many problems.Heilongjiang Province is one of China's major grain producing areas, an important commodity grain production base and the amount of resources is at the national forefront. Grain production stability and increase had a profound effect on ensuring national grain security and revitalizing the northeast old industrial base in Heilongjiang Province. The grain logistics even more so, had important theoretical meaning and practical significance of improving grain security and reducing the loss of grain circulation and logistics costs, and also maximizing grain economic benefits to satisfy people's demand for grain. However, for a long period, theorists were lack of regional grain logistics system of specialized study, lack of effective management and institutional arrangements in practice, making the development of Heilongjiang grain logistics seriously lagging behind.In this paper, "construction of grain logistics system of Heilongjiang Province " as the entry point which was based on the grain logistics and system-related theory, using empirical and normative analysis, a combination of qualitative and quantitative, comparative analysis method, based on the theoretical study of Heilongjiang province, conducted a preliminary study of the current grain logistics development system. This article discussed in general divided into five parts, making an understanding of grain logistics definition, characteristics and grain logistics system elements, functions and constitution, conducted relevant concepts definition. After a description of China's grain logistics policy development process, the thesis was investigated and teased out the status and problems of Heilongjiang grain logistics system. This view of grain logistics system in Heilongjiang Province: low market-oriented of the main grain logistics, without sufficient in competition; storage and transportation infrastructure and grain transportation capacity lagging behind; low degree of information technology; incomplete quality control testing; high cost of logistics and other existing problems, and development experience in grain logistics of domestic and foreign on the basis of comparative analysis, the author put forward countermeasures and proposals for the construction of the grain logistics system in Heilongjiang Province.
Keywords/Search Tags:grain, logistics system, supply chain management
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