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Research And Realization Of Evalution On Natural Science Foundation

Posted on:2011-08-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360308965068Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of information technology, mass of data has been accumulating in the past few years from industry to other fields. Since all types of funded projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China have becoming important components of proprietary intellectual property rights, advanced management ways of national natural science funds are crucial for the sustentation fund of technical projects. Up to now, traditional database systems are able to offer simple data managements and transaction handling jobs with some simple statistic and data analysis, it still remains a difficult problem to offer more high-level data analyzing and processing.Fund management authorities must accomplish reasonable evaluation for each project applications in order to decide in a fair, open and efficient way. On the condition of existing working mode and information interchange, it may still need huge human and material resources to accomplish the assessment of projects. With the arrival of the digital age and development of Computer Science and Technology, in the assessment process of fund project management, implement combination of automatic management and human management for the mode of management of Natural Science Foundation with description of computer language, to facilitate routine work and improve the efficiency of fund management, this have been the problem that have to be solved for the fund management institution.Based on the comprehensive evaluation of existing evaluation methods, improvements are proposed in this paper to be applied to improve the evaluation of Natural Science Foundations which has achieved some results. First of all, the project evaluation of the general theory is described, including the establishment of project evaluation of the role, principles and methods, weights of the calculation as well as some commonly used evaluation methods; Second, for the fund to the characteristic of the establishment of the Fund's evaluation of index system, index weight will be established using data mining method, to create a rating system, data warehouse and data warehouse modeling, has achieved good evaluation results.Finally, the design and implementation of the Fund Evaluation system is introduced in this paper. The application of the system can facilitate comprehensive evaluation of fund projects, provide a visual assessment of the results, and establish a fair and easy condition for the fund management system.
Keywords/Search Tags:comprehensive assessment, index systems, data mining, algorithm
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