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Comparison Of Urban And Rural Medical Insurance System In China And Co-ordination Mechanism

Posted on:2011-01-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360305980152Subject:Social security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Making sure that all national have medical service when they are sick, having the equality of enjoying the medical insurance system and avoiding national's extra worries of disease medical service, is a important task in the process of our social security system and consummating our harmonious society. China's medical insurance system, which was offered by unit in the era of planned economy and is becoming more and more socialized now days, has obtained very great achievement on the foundation of the old one. However, dual structure and fragment in medical insurance system is more obvious and make medical resources distribution unreasonable. The phenomenon violates the principle of enjoying the right of the medical insurance equally. It becomes an important subject how to improve the problem of dual structure and multi-dimensional division in medical insurance system.In view of the fact that every system has theoretical support in the process of its creation and development, this paper is trying to demonstrate the importance of enjoying the medical insurance service equally and overall planning the medical insurance system. The paper explains the opinion with the theory of welfare economics and justice. Using the Integration Theory from management science as the theoretical base of overall planning the urban and rural medical insurance system is a theoretical innovation.The dual structure in China's medical insurance system is not an overnight problem, which is from the historical medical insurance system problems. As early as after the founding of urban-rural dual economic impact from the urban medical insurance system and the development of rural medical insurance system can be very design of the system lies in the treatment of urban and rural residents on the gross inequality in the allocation of medical resources in urban and rural differences in acute imbalance in the distribution of urban and rural health care facilities. These problems in the medical insurance system has existed in the development process, which leads to low operational efficiency of the medical insurance system, weakening the system of mandatory, in turn, solidified the urban-rural dual structure and the social class structure, hindering the formation of a unified labor market, the ultimate impact will be the economic development and social stability.In this paper, the use of comparative analysis, by the typical urban and rural medical insurance system for comparative analysis of the actual situation of our country, put forward the co-ordination urban and rural medical insurance system, the choice of the co-ordination of China's medical insurance system is a long process, From the integration of the basic medical insurance for urban residents, and a new rural cooperative medical care to start step by step to achieve full equality in urban and rural health care.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural Medical Insurance System, Medical Insurance System, Differences, Manpower
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