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Research On Deng Xiaoping's Unbalanced Harmonious Development Strategy

Posted on:2010-07-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Z HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360275952024Subject:Scientific Socialism and the international communist movement
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the reform and opening up, Deng Xiaoping's Unbalanced Harmonious Development Strategy has been the important guidance on our socialism economic construction .It blazes new trails for the country's economic construction and promotes the economic development greatly. Since Peace and development remain the main themes of the present era, economic development remains the core task in China where economy is comparatively weak and development greatly unbalanced. To build a socialism modernized country and a well-off harmonious society in all aspects, we should follow the guidance of the fundamental principle and methods of Marxism instead of book worshipping the theories of Marxism, and be ready to analyze new situation, solve new problems, innovate new theories to guide our economic construction . Deng Xiaoping's Unbalanced Harmonious Development Strategy, as an essential part of Deng Xiaoping's Theory on economic development, is important achievements in adapting Marxism to Chinese conditions and in modernization which serves as a paragon in analyzing new situations and solving new problems. Thus, further study on Deng Xiaoping's Unbalanced Harmonious Development Strategy provides experience and methodological reference for the future economic construction.This essay provides a profound study on Deng Xiaoping's Unbalanced Harmonious Development Strategy, and the content has four parts:Part 1 centers on the scientific essence of Deng Xiaoping's Unbalanced Harmonious Development Strategy, and explains related thoughts on balance and unbalance for a better understanding of the Strategy. Based on this, an analysis and a definition of the Strategy is made.Part 2 explains the social and historical conditions of Deng Xiaoping's Unbalanced Harmonious Development Strategy's production. As an essential part of this essay, this part indicates that Deng Xiaoping's Unbalanced Harmonious Development Strategy, as the fruit of socialism practice of the Party's second generation of central collective leadership with Comrade Deng Xiaoping as its core, has its own unique theory and practical foundation.Part 3 is the core of this essay, it mainly dwells on the main content and characteristics of Deng Xiaoping's Unbalanced Harmonious Development Strategy, which includes Unbalanced Harmonious Development Strategy between people, Unbalanced Harmonious Development Strategy on regional economy, Unbalanced Harmonious Development Strategy on industry, Unbalanced Harmonious Strategy on Development process, and a dialectical analysis of each small part is given.Part 4 analyzes the main characteristics of Deng Xiaoping's Unbalanced Harmonious Development Strategy. Namely, it is practical, dialectical, initial, overall and opportune.Part 5 illustrates the theoretical and practical significance of Deng Xiaoping's Unbalanced Harmonious Development StrategyAs indicated by the study, while economic strength is the main indication of the national strength in the present era, economic construction remains the core of our task. And Deng Xiaoping's Unbalanced Harmonious Development Strategy is still significant in guiding us in our economic construction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Deng Xiaoping, Economy, Unbalanced Harmonious Development, Strategy
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