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Reseach On Banking Software Offsourcing Risk And Strategy

Posted on:2010-05-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360275485750Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays with the information technique developing with each passing day, the competition among banking is keener, the operation and management of the bank relys more and more on information technique. The operation system of the bank is built upon the IT system with the core of softwares. In the final analysis, the pressure from innovation is demonstrated in software researching and developing. However, it is not the chief business of the bank to rearch and develop softwares, it is restricted within technology limits and manpower limits of investment of the resource. By outsourcing, the bank can transform passivity into initiative to get advanced information technology and high quality service and further enhance its competitiveness, meanwile, it helps the bank reply the uncertain competitive environment and ever-higher customers'requirements.Even software outsourcing solves the problem with bank developing, but for the bank, it is not relieved of this burden. Because of of the banking specialty, the software offsourcing specialty, difference between home and abroad, and developing degree of outsourcing market at home, there is still many risks during carrying out bank software offsourcing. The bank cannot be successful in outsourcing unless the bank will strenthen the protection against the risks, and take complete and effective management measures for outsourcing.In this thesis it studied the theory and practice of outsourcing, software outsourcing and offsourcing, found out that software offsourcing is talked less nowadays. In order to conform to the processing of our times and bank developing requirement, with current cases it studied bank software offsourcing.Firstly, the theoretics of software offsourcing was summed up and current status of using bank software offsourcing at home and abroad was analyzed in this thesis. Secondly, the reason of banking software offsourcing was analyzed in this thesis. Competition is heating up, which pushed the bank selects software researching and developing outsourcing to lower cost, improve efficiency and reduce risks. The fast developing of information technique created basic conditions for the offsourcing. It analyzed the current status of banking software offsourcing in many ways, analyzed business types, current status and mode of banking outsourcing. It compared the merits and demerits of the suppliers at home and abroad, analyzed the status and result of outsoucing, and with the case of bank A, analyzed the success of software offsourcing with abroad system.Finally, it focused on analyzing and summed up the risks of software offsourcing and risk prevention tactics. Although sofeware outsourcing reduced the risk and difficulty of the bank to develop by itself, but with another person joining in information systems course of the bank, who also makes high-tech and innovative softwares developing, and the developed softwares is deeply and directly used for the bank operation, therefore software outsourcing is a risky activity with many risks contingent. By analyzing the risk specialty of bank software offsourcing, the root of risks lies in the bank, the outsourcing supplier and software outsourcing process, and analyzed the risks caused by those three sides.It is not fearful with the risks. By taking cognizance of the risks and take related measure to prevent itself and control the risks appropriately, taking effective management during outsourcing process, the bank software outsourcing will be successful. Otherwise, it will result in great loss and negative effects. The strategy for risk prevention is studied from 4 sides, that is specific measures against risks, control measures, specific measures for taking total management of outsourcing and implementation measures to select foreign system.By software outsourcing, the bank can increase the speed of developing to meet the operation requirement, promote banking information system technique, but it needs more strictly of the management of software outsourcing project. In this thesis, it is trying to find out proper mode of importing software offsourcing and management tactics in details. Here's hoping for value to use for reference to the practice and operation of bank software offsourcing .
Keywords/Search Tags:commercial bank, software outsourcing, offsourcing, risk analysis, risk prevention tactics
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