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The Market In The Enterprise

Posted on:2010-08-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360275453988Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Haier's SBU operating mechanism injectes vitality into its development,and Haier's experience has become the focus of scholars at home and abroad.But what kind of business philosophy is embodied in Haier's SBU operating mechanism? What kind of internal mechanism works? How is the driving force of the staff formed ? So far,there is no satisfactory answer.Firstly,this paper reviews and comments relevant literature from the perspective of the relationship between the firm and the market,which takes on many characteristics,such as substitution,complementation,embedment etc.Then points out that the firm and the market should amalgamate each other rather than simply be alternative.By analyzing the operating process of SBU,it reveals that Haier's success is attributed to making full use of the market mechanism,which integrates with firm's authority mechanism.Through Haier market chain, SST and management into debt,Haier successfully introduces the markete mechanism to the management activity of the firm.It makes sure that every SBU have a clear understanding of power,responsibility and interest,which force SBU "want to do,can do,have to do",thus forms huge motivation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Haier, SBU, The firm and the market, Motivation
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