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The Current Situation Of Sino-Russian Cooperation In Oil Trade And The Constraints Analysis

Posted on:2010-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S JiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360272499297Subject:International Trade
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Energy issues are the most significant problem of the economic development in current,Petroleum is the necessary material basis to the development of human society,which is the one-off resource.The Petroleum dominates in the International Energy until the mid-21st century.The major oil problem is to solve the stability supply and demand oil,as well as security of oil,it is the national oil diplomacy work how to protect a country's oil security in the long term.In the process of globalization, the national oil security will continue to be a system of interdependent promote each other,no-one country can secure itself when it separate oneself from other countries and regions.The important issue of oil diplomacy is to strengthen bilateral and multilateral dialogue and cooperation in oil.The development of China economic has attracted worldwide attention,the oil consumption of China has been greatly attracted the interest of all over the world since China becomes a net oil importer at 1993,while Chinese oil reserves and oil security will also relate to the future economic development of China.Russia is an oil-rich country,the Far East which near to China and the Siberia region of Russia reserve rich oil and gas resources.The oil cooperation between Russia and China has much broader prospect in the view of the economic complementarities and mutual benefit,which meets the development trend of the relationship between the two countries.This article comprises seven parts,which discuss the current situation and restraint on conducting oil cooperation between China and Russia.First part:the Introduction.It concerns with three parts:First,it mainly discusses the background.In this part,the background of writing this article,the theory and practical significance are elaborated.Second,Literature Review.By summing up the literature at home and abroad,summed up the domestic and foreign scholars on the study of Sino-Russian energy cooperation:(1) Researching the energy policy, energy strategy and energy security of China.(2) The researching of the energy diplomacy in Russia.(3) The Researching of Sino-Russian energy cooperation. Third,the structure of the present article.The second part:The situation of the Sino-Russian oil.It focuses on the two aspects:First,Chinese oil consumption and demand conditions.This section of both the Chinese oil imports and day consumption describe the status of Chinese oil consumption whitch dependes on the prediction of China's oil demand situation in the future.Second,the situation of Russian oil production and exports expounds the reservation of oil from Russia's share for total world oil reserves and the distribution of Russian oil reservation,in the conduction of both Russia's oil export capacity in the past and "Russian Energy Strategy 2020" project of Russia's the future of the oil export situation.The third part:The feasibility and the necessity for the Sino-Russian oil cooperation focuses on two aspects:First,considering the necessity from China's economic development and channels of oil import,as well as a wide range view,of oil import point in future,so the Sino-Russian oil cooperation is to ensure the safety and essential way of Chinese oil cooperation selection;considering the consolidation of Russia for the energy industry and the absorbing foreign investment to tap its oil resources to achieve its sustained and steady economic development,the Sino-Russian cooperation is the elimination of oil for economic and social crisis for the Russian required.Second,considering the feasibility,China and Russia are friendly neighbors, and the two countries stand in line in policy,resource complementarily,geographical and other advantages of the approach to indicate the oil cooperation between China and Russia would have some viability.The fourth part:The development history,current situation and prospect of the Sino-Russian oil cooperation.Focuses on two aspects:First,the Sino-Russian cooperation in the development of the oil.Sino-Russian cooperation in the oil sector has gone through the course of 10 years.When we look at the history of the oil cooperation between the two countries through the establishment of the Russian Federation from 1999,Russian President Boris Yeltsin as president in advance of the start to unload period,From 2000 to 2004,President Putin's first term of the running-in stage,in 2004 from President Putin's second term now beginning the development of Phase 1.Second,the status quo of Sino-Russian cooperation in oil and prospects.By 1992 to 2007 Sino-Russian oil trade analysis of the situation of the Sino-Russian oil trade volume of trade is growing,mainly in maritime transport,tube and rail transportation.Russian oil co-operation is characterized by:a huge scale,vast, multi-support and international.Finally the prediction of Sino-Russian oil trades the prospect of cooperation.The fifth part:considering the analysis of the constraints of the impact of the Sino-Russian cooperation in the oil.Mainly from three aspects:First,The domestic constraints of China.Main factors for domestic oil obstacles of the Sino-Russian co-operation:the level of international oil companies is some lower,and the investment issues of dilemma still exist,impeding the Chinese investment in Russian oil fields and also foreign investment management system constraints.Second,The domestic constraints of Russia,which include:bias of the Russian government in oil-exporting region,the Russian the country's overall diplomatic strategy of China-Russia oil cooperation,and "China threat theory" so the Sino-Russian oil cooperation become a sensitive political topic,that the Russian railway company to China's exports of oil transport capacity is limited.Third,the international constraints. Nuder the constraints of United States and Japan,Russia and the United States cooperate in order to stabilize and strengthen the status of energy cooperation,at the same time.So as to contain China's economic development,the United States exhaust themselves to stall oil cooperation between China and Russia;because of Japanese little energy,but also the with cooperation of Russia energy,Japan focuse on Construction of the pipeline china engaged in a fierce competition for oil cooperation and there is a great hindrance between china and Russia.The sixth part:the strategy of strengthen the Sino-Russian oil cooperation.Based on the above analysis and argumentation,five suggestions are provided in Sino-Russian oil cooperation:(1) continuing to consolidate and strengthen Sino-Russian strategic partnership;(2) conducting energy diplomacy to strengthen oil cooperation;(3) setting up the political mutual trust,close non-governmental cooperation;(4) founding Sino-Russian oil industry development fund;(5) attaching great importance to international factors which impact Sino-Russian oil cooperation.The seventh part:Conclusion...
Keywords/Search Tags:oil-trade, Sino-Russian cooperation, status quo, constraints
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