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The Research Of The Sino-Japanese Trade Friction

Posted on:2009-09-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C H ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360245988062Subject:International Trade
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Since 20th 90s, with the ceaseless development of the Sino-Japanese trade, the Sino-Japanese trade friction was more and more serious. Being one of the biggest trade partners of China, Japanese initiated all kinds of trade conflicts. Because of the low level of China's export products, China's export enterprises were always passive in the conflicts and this result in great loss.For the benefit of country interests and the attention of trade equitableness, the research of the Sino-Japanese trade friction is selected as the topic of this thesis. On the premise that the trade friction are long-term and certain, the author expected to fond the foundation stone of the Sino-Japanese trade friction, and propose for predicting, answering and reducing the trade conflicts through systemic analysis. According to the target, the paper used the theoretical, empirical and comparative analysis methods, cleared up the main trade protection theories, and analyzed the status of the Sino-Japanese trade conflicts from multi-pronged and multi-angle. On this basis, the author analyzed the similarities and differences between the Sino-Japanese trade friction and the Sino-US trade friction, the similarities and differences between the Sino-Japanese trade friction and the Sino-EU trade friction, and the similarities and differences between the Sino-Japanese trade friction and the Sino-South Korea trade friction, which is the main innovation of this thesis. The author explored the deep-seated causes for Sino-Japanese trade friction in the following four factors: the political factors, the economic factors, the interest groups factors and China's export enterprises'factors, and proposed some strategies from the following three aspects: the Government, the relational guilds and the export enterprises.At present, there are mainly two aspects of research about the Sino-Japanese trade friction in our country: Analysis of the reason of Sino-Japanese trade friction and the dealing with strategy analysis about the Sino-Japanese trade friction. The analysis of the reason of Sino-Japanese trade friction mainly concentrates in the following two aspects: Political factor, and economic factor. The dealing with strategy analysis about the Sino-Japanese trade friction mainly gives the strategy that dealing with Sino-Japanese trade friction from the following four aspects: Urges Japan transform his idea thoroughly through the bilateral trade negotiations under the new international position; Eliminates the statistical error on the Sino-Japanese trade, melts the Sino-Japanese macro economic friction; Establishes the early warning mechanism for the Sino-Japanese trade.From the origin of the trade protection theory until now, the trade protection has experienced two stage sustained developments: Traditional trade protection theory stage and new trade protection theory stage. Each stage includes some representative theories: (1) traditional trade protection theory includes: Mercantilism, weak industrial protection theory, ultra protected trade theory; (2) new trade protection theory includes: The strategic trade policy, the sunset industry protection policy, the protection to employment policy, the non-economic target policy, the public relation theory. All these trade protection theories, regardless of its rationality, the basic jumping-off place are only the benefit of the country.From the 20th 50s-60s until now, the Sino-Japanese bilateral trade relations has experienced three main development phases: in 19501972, the nongovernmental trade started the development process of the Sino-Japanese trade; in 1972 the 1980s, the normalization of diplomatic relation pushed the Sino-Japanese bilateral trade expand rapidly; In the 1990s until now, the different economic development condition of China and Japan caused the economic and technical cooperation inevitably. The Sino-Japanese bilateral trade is mainly the trade between different industries, the products which Japan exports to China are mainly capital intensity products, but the products that China exports to Japan are basically labor-intensive products.With the continual development of the Sino-Japanese bilateral trade, the Sino-Japanese trade friction was also continual. The Sino-Japanese trade friction mainly concentrated in several big professions: the agricultural product, the textile, the clothing, the product of chemical industry and so on. The manifestation of Sino-Japanese trade friction was the technical trade protectionism primarily, simultaneously accompanied by the intellectual disputes, the urgent import restrictions, counter-dumping. Since the beginning of 1993 when the first Sino-Japanese trade friction occurred until now, the Sino-Japanese trade friction has experienced two main periods: (1) 19931996, in this period the Sino-Japanese trade friction was all initiated by Japan, and the form of the Sino-Japanese trade friction was mainly the counter-dumping, the safeguard mechanism, the urgent import restrictions, the products that involved in were mainly the labor-intensive products. Japan mainly initiated the Sino-Japanese trade friction using the WTO fundamental rule to limiting the import products from China. In this period, China's counter measures are relatively simple. (2) 2001 until now, in this period, the Sino-Japanese trade friction were still initiated by Japan primarily, and the form of the Sino-Japanese trade friction transformed gradually into the technology trade barrier, the intellectual disputes and so on, but the experience and the strategy by which China deal with the Sino-Japanese trade friction presently are still insufficient obviously.The chief features of the Sino-Japanese trade friction are: The friction form is various, the reason for which Japan initiated the Sino-Japanese trade friction is various, some Sino-Japanese trade friction occurred in the trades in which the products root in Japan and sold to Japan.Contrasts the Sino-Japanese trade friction with the Sino-US trade friction, the Sino-EU trade friction and the Sino-South Korea trade friction, we draws the following conclusion: The Sino-Japanese trade friction has the political factor which is also the factor of the Sino-US trade friction, but Japan initiates the trade conflict always as a result of its domestic political objective; Compares with the Sino-EU trade friction, the factors that causes the Sino-Japanese trade friction are more numerous and diverse, and the degree of the dependence on the bilateral trade are different too; It's different from the Sino-South Korea trade friction, that the Sino-Japan trade friction's form is more various. Based on the Sino-Japanese trade friction's following four basic factors: the political factor, the economic factor, the special interest group's factor and China's the Export enterprise's factor, to reduce China's Export enterprise's loss, it is suggested that the government should perfect it's function and deal with the Sino-Japanese trade friction actively, the relational guilds should strengthen their function of intendance and harmony and the enterprises should buildup their ability of coping the risk.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Sino-Japanese Trade friction, trade protection, cause
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