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Research On The Capital Structure And Financial Powers Arrangement Of Family Business In China

Posted on:2008-10-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y P WanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
What is the family business?What is the characteristics of capital structure of Chinese Family Business ? What is the relationship between the capital structure and the distribution and financial authority ? How to develop this relationship?These problems have gradually become the focus of attention of the current academic circles.Financial affairs governance means determin gradually the role of investors, directorates, management and financial managers based on their financial-right, and expresses the relation of reciprocal restraint on financial-right. According to this definition, issues related to financial affairs governance are concluded as how to establish a financial theoretical system based on financial-right,how to comprehend financial practical systems by financial-right,homologous governance of financial affairs governance.This paper mainly analysis the character of capital structure and the arrangement of financial powers of family business in China. Firstly, we recall the research which have done in the field of the character of capital structure and the arrangement of financial powers of family business. Secondly, we compare diffierent family business in diffierent countries. Then this paper conclude which is the drawbacks in capital structure and the arrangement of financial powers of family business. Finally, this paper gives some suggestion,such that control the balance sheet ratio,establish good financial systems, and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:Capital Structure, Family Business, Arrangement of Financial Powers
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