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The Ecouragement Mechanism About War Industry Graduate School

Posted on:2009-07-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W XiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360242998919Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The national defense institutes have been trying to into enterprises that will patricipate in the market competitionin change their system the identity of an independent built up and market main body as the socialism market economy system is gradually matures, and as the reform in the scientiifc and technological system goes deeper and deeper. The military products will enter the markets management and the state preferential policy will be canceled gradually. For the sake of apting to the rarity, enterprises, which have the important responsibility of designing and production, need to change their traditional model to the market, and to particpate in rigorous competition. In the final analysis, the competition among enierprises is that among talented persons.. But in the weapon equipment research institute, the eneouragement machanism for the military reseachers, who are very important, are imperfect. For constructing national defense as well asdeveloping the factory with technologieal staff it is inevitable for the weapon equipment graduate school to design a new ecouragement mechanism.The paper is accomplished by the guide of theory about equity and inspirit etc , anylysing the actuality of the ecouragement mechanism . from which we can find the current mechanism's shortcoming and its reasons. On the basis of that mentioned above, we can get the requirment about the military reseacher combined with questionary. a new mechanism is made in this paper. Its main body is the ternary dynamic wage, What's more, the new mechanism stressing on war industry culture , as well as brings up the education system etc. All the above is based on the phasical and spirit inspirit.In this paper, theories are eombined whith practices. On one hand , it refers to the ways in some relevant research institute, such as some military research institute of spaceflight industry headoffice and nuclear industry headoffice. On the other hand , the research combined with my realy practice of work abount human resource. So it has feasibility both in theory and in practice. With its powerful aiming and reference value not only for the weapon equipment research institute but also for the same research institute.
Keywords/Search Tags:Weapon Equipment Research Institute, Military Reseachers, Ecouragement Mechanism
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