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Oil Cities Of China With The Research Of Sustainable Development

Posted on:2009-12-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C M WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360242982654Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In China, the sharp rise of petroleum cities has quickened the pace of exploiting natural resources and improved the development of basic industries. However, petroleum is a kind of non-renewable resources. It may result in a crisis that the city will decline with the resource exhausted, if it is entirely dependent on petroleum. After carrying on the policy of reform and opening up, during the procedure of advancing the state economic restructuring, especially during development of socialist market economy, the competitions among states, areas and even cities become increasingly severe. As result, a series of long-term existing conflicts and matters come into focus, such as the same structure and the blend of enterprises and governments, the centralization of state-owned economy, the unitary economic pattern, the relatively poor infrastructural facilities, the centrifugal tendency between enterprises and governments, declining crisis and development difficulty.At present, the sustainable development of the petroleum cities is faced with many problems: how to exploit the limited natural resources, how to promote the reform of the industrial structure and how to improve the ecological environment of the city. The economic growth of petroleum cities mainly relies on exploitation of petroleum resource. The gradual decrease of petroleum resource has seriously affected the cities'sustainable development. To meet the need of ensuring our nation's development strategy, exploitation of petroleum resource must serve the city's sustainable development. All the problems, including one-sided views on petroleum resources, immoderate exploitation, waste in the course of use, environmental pollution and unbalanced ecosystems, should be settled. We must make some practical strategies for sustainable development and make sure the strategic emphases and efficient measures in certain periods.The current industrial structure that highly depends on petroleum resources can hardly sustain the further long-range development. The essential characteristics of our petrol-industrial structure are widely spread, highly unitary, over heavy industrialized, irrelevant. And all of above restrict the reform of industrial structure. Therefore, it is the best choice to realize the sustainable development strategies by reforming the industrial structure in time to avoid risks and get through crises.The construction of ecosystem is of great importance for sustainable development in petroleum cities. In general, it is in most areas with poor natural environment that petroleum and natural gas are found. What's worse, due to the ignorance to protecting environment in the procedure of exploitation, the state of ecosystem in petroleum cities are poorer below the average levels. We should take a series of relevant measures to improve these serious situations.Only when we improve ecosystem as well as develop economy and promote society, can we get rid of the present difficulty.There are three different tends in the late development of foreign petroleum cities: sustained prosperity, stagnancy and decline. It is constructive for us to analyze their successful experience and lessons which may act as a guide to our industrial structuring. Among a variety of typical foreign petroleum cities, the location of Calgary played an important role in its sustainable development, while the key to Houston's success was its endowment of resources and economic foundation. However, Baku's decline resulted from its fault development strategies. In a word, the essential subjective factor relating to sustained prosperity is the development strategies.In the procedure of foreign petroleum cities'sustainable development, the key factor of success is to transform unitary economy to multi-economy timely and scientifically. Comparing with some foreign petroleum cities, we have many differences in social system, economic system, geographical situations, resources distribution and history. As a result, even though we have different dominant thoughts, directions and measures in economic structuring, it is the common strategy for us to transform unitary economy to multi-economy timely and scientifically. Foreign petroleum cities have rich experience of this kind transformation. Take Huston for a typical example, Huston based its economic development on the economic development of the whole region, of the whole America and even of the globe, which set a valuable example for us.By analyzing those typical cities, we learn that their success mainly bases on the following aspects:In the procedure of the cities'sustainable development, the government should take the whole situation into account and play the role of working out and carrying out the economic development strategies accordingly. We should transform unitary economy to multi-economy on the basis of the law of industrial development. We should further improve and perfect our cities'functions, the service system and basic facilities included, which is the exactly week points that we must be faced with. Consequently, we should pay more efforts to find out a completely new system, transform and strengthen our government functions. Only by this mans, can we regulate and control tour cities sustainable development. That is to say, we should reform our industrial structures efficiently, spare every efforts to perfect government functions and explore new resources as well.Taking the difficulty we are faced with in sustainable development into account and using the experience from similar foreign cities for reference, we can take correlative strategies as follows:Firstly, we should explore and exploit natural resources properly. The sustainable development mainly relies on exploring new resources, especially renewable resources in store. And the realization of the sustainable development strategies must count on certain conditions, such as thoughts, economy, laws, technology, administration and policy.Secondly, we must accelerate industrial structuring. The reform of industrial structures should make the most of the advantages of traditional industries. We must reform the industrial structures according to the laws of market economy, paying special attention to market, scale and technology. And the industrial structuring should be carried out throughout not only countries and cities, but also enterprises.In addition, we should construct a better ecosystem actively. We must improve environment-protecting education level and encourage the mass to join in the environment protection. We should also set up an effective system to improve our management level. Petrol-enterprises should be more environmentally friendly in the future. We must properly arrange the productive layout to improve the environment protection from the first procedure of the production. To achieve this goal, we must collect any available construction funds, develop new technology and cooperate with the international environment organizations.Finally, we improve and perfect our government functions. The government functions consist of economic functions, social ones and so on. We should reform our current system and find a new way for cooperation between government and enterprise. We should solve the blend of enterprises and governments as soon as possible. We must make out the long-term plan for industrial structuring. We should make sure that the city architectures reflect its history and traditional cultures to balance the relationship between the urban planning and natural scenery.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sustainable
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