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Enhancing The Efficiency Of Small Home Appliance Manufacturing By Using Of IE Technology

Posted on:2009-11-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J S ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360242981324Subject:Industrial Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
1.IE technique developments and current conditionsIE(the engineering of the industry)was born in the United States at the beginning of 20 century,and then rapidly developed all over the word.Most of strong industrialized countries benefited from industrial engineering in the first and second World War.Especially during the period of economic convalescent, Japan,German etc.strongly promoted industrial engineering and trained a lot of relative industrial engineers,which dramatically improved production efficiency and quality as well as reduced down the cost,acquired good effect.Our country just start IE at the beginning of 80's,we is still at the stage of study and imitation from abroad about industrial engineering now due to late development.The application of IE in enterprise is still very limitive,especially at small enterprise.The shortage of IE industrial engineers and enterprise management lack of the enough knowledge on engineering technique which lead to poor effect of IE application.But we are not sure whether IE industrial engineering technique can really help business enterprise to improve production efficiency/quality and reduce down the cost or not even though with relative IE industrial engineers and good understanding of IE.So the effect of IE application at appliance manufacture is still undetermined and meet a lot of chalenge,we need to continuesly delevop and improve IE technique.2.The theory and method of IE technique and project management Industrial Engineering,call IE for short,is recognized by the world that can put an end to all kinds of waste.It is an edge subject which can effectively improve productivity and combine technology and manageThe theory and method mainly contain the following items:1)Work StudyOperation Measurement and Method Study are collectively referred to as Work Study.Operation Measurement can be divided into Direct method and synthesis.Method Study include line balancing,flow analysis,operation analysis,motion analysis.2)spot managementContents:eliminate waste,implement the duties of spot management, manager effect,makes a clear distinction between reward and penalty, control spot,spot information management.Method:Visual management,5S management,fixed management,material flow management3)work analysis and designThe method of work analysis:talk to people,observation,questionnaire survey.The method of work design:a turn of work,work boarden,work abundant, work specialize4)human engineeringhuman engineering is a subject that based on the subjects of psychics, physiology,anatomy,anthropometry etc.& take human & machine as study object & study the inner reciprocity & combined rule to make the machine & environment more suitable for human,& make the work more safe,healthy, suitable & high efficiency.5)The basis theory and method for project managementProject management means that the project can be achieve or exceed the anticipation by using professional knowledge,skill,tooling and method.Project management includs:target management,process management,plan management,scope management,modification management,team management, risk management,contract management.It is with special character such as stematicness,periodicity,target,restriction,creativeness,risk,dependency and openess3.IE application and implement in XINBAOThe management of XINBAO clearly understand IE and pay high attention to IE,they treat IE as a special tactic.There are 3 important points of 2008 management tactic:quality,efficiency and value.It defined that company need to improve production efficiency by 20%by IE technique in "EFFICIENCY".Mr Zeng is regularly meeting with IE manager to listen to working report and offer some instruction on each month.The company already establish a positon of IE project manager at the early of 2007,and the relative fist class factory also build up IE departmen engineering department on OCT 2007.The responsibility of IE engineering department is very clear by define the responsibility of each relative person by formal document.The purpose is to improve production efficiency and quality. The major problem is inadequate experience and inadequate ability of IE engineers.In order to improve the situation,our company also invite some professional training company to train and offer some usefull instruction.We will gradualy train some professional IE enginner who are with adequate theory and real working ability.The example of IE in factory 2XINBAO already improve the line situation of XB 9058 BLENDER by applying IE technique,we apply 10 step during implement(the selective background of project,project team,project condition and analysis,improvement target,improvement schedule,improvement measure,improvement implement, improvement verification,avoid rebounce,project summary and appraisal)After implement this project,the production efficiency was improved by 70%,it proved that IE can dramatically improve production efficiency and also proved that 10 step of IE is very effective and practicable.After summarize the IE situation in our company,I summarize the promoted and implemented mode for IE technique in appliance manafucture.5.ProspectIE technique was already developed more than 100 years,it subject 5 stage, and it also in development and improvement as the development of technique, management,antilogy.The application of IE in appliance manafacuture is not for long time.,the implement level and scope is still limitive,so we need to make more effort to develop IE technique.
Keywords/Search Tags:Manufacturing
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