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The Survey And Analysis Of FAW-VW VW Service Customer Satisfaction

Posted on:2008-09-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H T LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360242459966Subject:Business Administration
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The after-sales service market is the most stable source of profits in the chain of automobile industry, which can occupy 60%-70% of the total profits. In the United States, the profit of automobile after service market reaches as high as 10 times of the whole automobile production profit. Compared with foreign countries, Chinese automobile after service market, which is in its prime, has very big space in development. It will become the biggest cake in the future automobile market in China.Improving customers' satisfaction is the key among which make good after services. An automobile business enterprise should satisfy customers from all levels to promote competition ability in the industry. Centering on customer satisfaction, the author focuses on analysis and research of concepts and theories of customer satisfaction. He put forward testing methods for customer satisfaction of automobile industry and pointed out the way to improve customer satisfaction of automobile industry. In the meantime, by taking the customer satisfaction of FAW-VW as an example, the author carried on analysis of the customer satisfaction survey, pointed out how to obtain related information of customer satisfaction from the survey, and put forward some suggestions on improving customer satisfaction.The full text is in four parts:Part one How do theories of customer satisfaction act on automobile manufacture enterprisesI. Related theories of customer satisfactionIn modern corporation management, customer is an extensive concept, which includes external customer and internal customer. External customer satisfaction is usually called customer satisfaction, "CS" in short, is the focus people concerned. The guidance ideology of CS marketing strategy is: all management activities of enterprise should be based on customer's demand, but not the enterprise's viewpoint; to satisfy customer's demands and needs as the responsibility and obligation of the enterprise. CS is the actual feeling of the quality and value when someone is purchasing and using the product, and it is decided by comparison with the feeling after using the products, to services prior to compare the expectations and the actual feelings and get the decision.II. The guiding significance of CS for the automobile industryWith the continuously development of automobile market and the gradually mature of consumer in China, each automobile brand is changing direction of competition from technique and price to after-sales services. Consumers are gradually aware that cars are not one-off consumers'goods that services provided by the enterprises are more important when using it. The competition of after-sales service will become the new focus of auto markets. With the transformation of competition pattern of China's auto market, cars'homogenization in functions are becoming more and more severely. Consumers are becoming more rational when weighing various brands that they are changing their needs from a purely product to good services. Services have become an important bargaining chip in the new era of auto industry competition. Being in the severe competition and the transition from "product-centric" to a "customer-centric", the level of CS becomes very important to the enterprises'survival. Auto enterprises should strive to satisfy customers from all levels to advance competition ability.Part Two The survey on CS of automotive industryI. The relevance of automobile industryAutomobile industry is a comprehensive industry with high technology that it can best reflect the development level of the nation. It has close relations with other industries and huge impacts on the state. As high-end consumer durables, the consumption of automotive products is a relatively important behavior to the consumers'life. So customers are more concerned about the quality and service of products. Because of the complexity of the product and the mobility of customers, the survey on CS in automobile industry is quite difficult,which effects on the accuracy and objectivity of the survey results . II. Several key points in survey of automotive industry CSAs a comparison of expectation to apperceiving value, CS itself is a kind of feeling expression and subjective value judgment and satisfaction is only a description and quantified expression for such evaluation. The true value of customer satisfaction survey is not the survey numerical evaluation itself, but the transformation from the connotation of evaluation data to the enterprise competitive strategy and operational mechanism. It is more important to use the CS survey results correctly, search for opportunities for improvement, establish development strategies, improve enterprise operation flow continuously and evaluate the enterprise performance comprehensively, but not the comparison and publicity of Industry Satisfaction Index.III. Methods of CS survey in automotive industry1. To establish an operation flow2. To make testing item and grades3. To design a sampling method4. To design the questionnaire5. To implement the survey and make collection of the resultsPart Three The CS survey on FAW-VW VW brandI.The Strategy of FAW-VW on CSTo maximize CS is the quality guidance and goal of FAW-VW. In order to achieve this goal we must continuously improve the overall quality of after-sale service to improve service and technical quality of the service functions. FAW-vw developed a clear view for the after service, namely, "To upgrade technology, standardize manufacturing process, optimize service network and take customers'demand as the first". The core idea is to "improve integrated after-sale serving ability through network and improve CS".II. Analysis on the survey questionnaire of VW brand CS after-sales In 2007, FAW–vw introduced the latest CS survey questionnaire from Germany, that is, CSS (Customer Satisfaction Survey) questionnaire. This survey questionnaire has been applied in more than 50 countries around the world. This research focuses on the key indicators when the customers experience the overall service flow at the dealers. The concerns are more focused and the emphases are more impressive.FAW-VW after-sales CS survey is based on dealer's customer file, such as asking customers about their satisfaction by telephone interviews, to establish an objective and impartial evaluation system for FAW-VW dealers and find out the service capability and their CS degree. ,.III. The survey results of FAW-VW CS in the first-quarter of 2007Based on the overall scores, Northeast Region performs the best in all six regions, which got 5.0 more of the average score. The performance of Shandong and Hebei Region is slightly better than the average national level. Taking MOT score as an example, the "value-for-money services" got the lowest score. Although the Northeast and Shandong and Hebei Region have got better performance, they did not get good scores in this test. Other regions got lower scores than the national level.IV. Analysis on the Survey Report of CSFrom the view of the overall situation of the industry in the first quarter 2007, FAW-VW got an unsatisfied grade that it ranked 6th among other 15 congeneric enterprises. Over viewing various links, FAW-VW only ranked higher in the quality of maintenance, which is higher than the average level, that it has a low evaluation in other services. Especially for customer goodview,they have so much difference with other enterprises that there is a lot of work to be done to satisfy the customers. And also, to make good analysis on the CS report and formulate corresponding measures are both keeping on.Part Four Suggestions on improving the FAW-VW's CSI. Making marketing strategies accordingly CS is a systems engineering, automobile enterprises should strive to meet the satisfaction from all levels.1. Product Strategy2. Price Strategy3. Marketing Strategy4. Services StrategyII. Establishing service brandIn order to improved customer service, FAW-VW launched a new service brand. The idea is to use professional skills rigorously and strict service standards to realize their concern on customers and improve the services ability. The idea of the service brand is:1. Work hard, rigorous attitude2. Love cars, love people3. Preciseness is love and careIII. Organizing services with special characteristicsFocusing on improving CS and the strategic objective of enhancing the quality of after-sale service, FVW-VW introduced characteristic service products, and launched several service product, such as "Lucky Star Action–Crystal Trip ", "Summer Journey". They introduced a characteristic business product, outdoor service stations, and achieved good results on brand propaganda. FAW-VW will implement strategic goal, consolidate and develop the achievements to continue its characteristic service, fulfill outdoor activities, provide more and better services and improve awareness and popularity of the brand.
Keywords/Search Tags:Satisfaction
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