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The Rationality Of Cost And Equity And Justice

Posted on:2008-04-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360242457680Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Past 20 years since Chinese reform and opening up was the most glorious age when China achieved great success in almost every field including city development. Some people argued that urbanization was the only path to solve the future development in China, in another word, high speed urbanization development was the only possible way to solve all kinds of contradiction in reform or was the big premise of future country balanced development, obviously, without the big premise, without the reality of urbanization.In fact, there occurred a great number of injustice in the course of urbanization. If we admit a theory that any development has cost, so does city development. However, the cost of city development was allocated in an unfair way because the majority of the cost was burdened by disadvantages groups, especially by peasants and common people. Therefore, between truth and theory, there existed an antinomy that urbanization is, from the angle of theory, the crucial way to solve Chinese future development, but, in deed, it was the urbanization that made the life of peasants and common people worse than before.The thesis studied, from the angle of social equity, the cost of urbanization in our country, and discussed the cost brought by some problems such as land expropriation, unemployment, ecology, environment and polarization of rich and poor during city development by taking examples, then, the thesis analyzed the irrationality of these cost. The thesis proceeded by complying the thought sequence of putting forward problem, analyzing problem and solving problem. Firstly, the thesis introduced several evaluation standard of the rationality of the cost of city development in China, the theory base of the thesis is Yuan Jifu's theory, especially the three standards accordance with truth, interest and justice, after the introduction, the thesis concluded that the cognition from society to cost lacked focus on equity and justice which was not accordance with justice. Then, the thesis analyzed, from the angle of social equity, some cost produced by city development and argued that the ultimate reason of lacking equity and justice was the understanding of the principle of people oriented was still superficial, and the understanding of cost main body was still incomplete. Finally, on the base of former discussion, the thesis probed the countermeasures in the course of urbanization development to safeguard social equity, these countermeasures include government should advocate to establish the logos of social equity, which is the premise of realizing social equity, no doubt, government must transform their thought to construct harmonious society by strengthening the construction of mechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:City Development, Cost of Development, Equity and Justice, Rationality
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