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An Exploration On The Matching Of Industries Under Regional Economic Integration

Posted on:2008-03-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D C YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360215970981Subject:International Trade
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Regional economic integration promotes the free circulation of essentialfactors of production and the formation of regional market. It provides broadermarket and immense development space for member countries ofChina-ASEAN to reallocate the resources. In addition to advance the industry, italso poses a new challenge and problem, that is, the matching of industries.Industries' matching in Free Trade Area (FTA) has important practicalsignificance on fostering competitive ability member countries would face innext several years and in continuously developing industries at home, which isequally related to the efficiency of industrial development within the whole FTA.This thesis discusses and analyzes the issue of industries' matching with regardto regional economic integration in details.Predicated on the encouragement of FTA's formation, Industries' matchingis believed to extend and replenish inevitably the effect regional economicintegration brings about. Therefore, it is defined as international industrialco-operations as well as a series of industrial readjustments that the governmentscarry out to facilitate trade and investment among member countries, strengthenthe vitality of regional industry to achieve the goal of industrialinternationalization. And these industrial co-operations and readjustments mustbe based on international co-operations in the process of regional economicintegration. According to the above definition, the common theory of industries'matching is put forward. Besides the discussion of the theory of industries'matching suited to involved developing countries in the process of regional economic integration, this thesis elaborates industries' matching theory in viewof China-ASEAN FTA, analyzes the impact that industries' matching has onnational economy, and finds out the joint point between the theory of regionaleconomic integration and the theory of government economic management usedto guide the matching of industries in FTA. Furthermore, based on the aboveproposed theories, this paper provides administrative strategies and theoreticalguidance for member countries to promote industries' matching and theirtransfer during the process of economic integration.Due to superficial study on industries' matching, especially the study ofindustries' matching resulted from rational resources allocation in regionalmarket is still a virgin ground, this paper is regarded as one pioneer work fromthe perspective of theory, and practical guidance from the perspective ofdeveloping continuously industrial competitive ability. And this paper, mainlyadopting objectively the standard analysis, develops the common theory ofindustries' matching to specific ones, and then examines the problem ofindustries' matching faced by member countries of China-ASEAN FTA, at last,emphatically discusses how central governments of member countries makeindustries match, conduct principles, and find ways to enhance internationalco-operation in economy and trade so that they can adapt themselves to the newenvironment within trade areas. In the meantime, the author believes that thetheories of industries' matching in this paper can be also suitable for enrichingthe theory of regional economic matching.
Keywords/Search Tags:regional economic integration, industries' matching, common theory
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