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Market Economy And The Development Of Human Being

Posted on:2008-09-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360215953422Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Stage of the development of the commodity economy to a market economy, as well as the serious business of the individual's physical atmosphere you want. were driven by a desire to become a slave, covering their spiritual, cultural and deviated from the integrity of the essence. We strongly emphasized in the development of the market economy, how people look at the negative impacts of the market economy. theory and practice has become unavoidable problems. In this situation, we should be careful analysis of the development of market economy, the role played We will guarantee the practice of the socialist market economy, to overcome difficulties and will always be invincible.Development of the market economy have a dual role, first from the negative sense that the restrictions. The development of the commodity economy, not only changed the way of life, survival, but also to change the way people think, With more depth and comprehensive development of the commodity economy, the market economy has entered a stage of human history. Become part of people's lives need to market space, in this space, it must deposit follow the rules of the game which is characteristic of the market economy. For example, the principle of exchange of equal values, the profit principle, the principle of fair competition, which is precisely the reification of human planted the seeds.Materialized have a limiting effect on human development. Here, the first article explained the materialization of the concept. Materialization has two meanings : The first meaning is : physical and chemical performance and interpersonal relationships so that goods and material objects to the relationship, All the materialization of the so-called people. Another implication is : who in turn passed the material to create a controlled working people. Then the article noted that the materialization of the development of market economy, and directly led to the materialization of the figure, The main objective, the atom and the average, the relationship between exposure and shelter materials to the people of mutual relations The people become slaves and lose the independence and autonomy of the development restrictions have a negative effect. Such restrictions role in the economy, both in the political and ideological also plays an important role.Thus, we must deny the development of the market economy? Of course not! The development of the market economy, have restrictions on the materialization of a person's development But at the same time we must also see the development of the positive significance. The ability of a market economy to promote the comprehensive development of a profound basis and the performance is outstanding. it is more conducive than ever before in the form of exchanges of surplus labor created. In order to provide a certain degree of free time in the development of human capacities and vast space. This is the creation of wealth and the labor system, the ability to work and consumption system diversity and universality; materialized, although it will lead to competition but also help to stimulate people's creativity, and to encourage the best people come to the fore; Materialized social contacts were established universal social and material transformation of the community, promote blood in the region by the nation's transformation to the world.Since the development of the market economy have dual effects, how to look at the issue of development under the conditions of market economy? And Evidence for this analysis. Human development is a progressive process, and every aspect of this process can not pass. Therefore, the physical and chemical form of market economy to establish a universal social connections historical inevitability, have historically justified. Marx pointed out that "the dependence (first is naturally occurring) is the initial form, in such form, the production and isolation only in a narrow range of development sites. The dependence to independence for the foundation, is the second largest form, in such form, The widespread social and material will transform the overall relationship. to the various needs and overall system capacity. based on the full development of individuals and their social capacity as he co - on the basis of freedom of the individual wealth, is the third phase. The second stage of the third phase to create conditions. " Marx, the relationship between the individual and society, The dependent must be based on the experience to the independence of a long historical process. Here, every person in possession of material in the form of social rights. Only in the common currency as a medium of social and material exchange will be able to establish a comprehensive social relations, many social needs and the ability of the comprehensive system. Its mission is to the full development of individuals, physical and social alienation between prevails "Free Coalition" to create conditions. Marx's view, tied together with the private social market economy, socio-economic development, so is the all-round development of insurmountable stage of the process, contributed because a person must not lead to neglect or even deny their physicochemical aspects of the civilization and progress.
Keywords/Search Tags:Development
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