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The Research On The Development Mode Of Big Size Chinese Foreign Trading Enterprises

Posted on:2008-04-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360215952586Subject:Technical Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Accession to the World Trade Organization, Chinese foreign trading enterprises face with both opportunities and challenges, as the important structure to the marketed economy system, Chinese foreign trading enterprises play an important role in the economic field. With the development of the world ecnomic globalization, the survival external environment to Chinese foreign trading enterprises is undergoing drastic changes. Chinese foreign trading enterprises still lag far behind the developing needs of the socialist marketed economy; we need to solve some deep-seated key issue. How to seize opportunities on the basis of gathering all relevant informations will be the key to the survival of foreign trading enterprises.As early as the 18th century, foreign scholars began to explore the International trade theory. British classical economist Adam Smith put forward a theory of absolute advantage, discussed the foundation of international trade division, it had been laid the foundation to the World trade theory for further development. In the future developing process, there has created a Modern trade theory and other major international trade theories. Meanwhile, the growth of the firm has made great strides. Penrose, an American female economist in 1959 published "The Theory of the Growth of the Firm", from the perspective of internal growth enterprises to exploring the power of the firm's growth and studying to individual enterprises, exploring the deciding factor in the growth of enterprises and the growth mechanism and construct an analytical framework of voluntary enterprises– enterprise capabilities -- enterprise growth. Based on the study of Penrose, the research on the ability of enterprises is gradually increasing, to the last century eighties, it formed a climax. In 1990, Prahald and Hamel issued a test of "company The Core Competence of the Corporation" in "Harvard Business Review", Based on the ability to enable the growth of an enterprise research had been into a new phase. Meanwhile, Michael Porter, the theory of competitive advantage has became the mainstream of strategic managementOn the basis of understanding International trade and related business growth theory, reviewing the history of the development of Chinese foreign trading enterprises, combining with the current situation, what is the problem in the process of developing? Promoting the internationalization of China's national economic development process, thereby realizing the internationalization of the economy is the most basic conditions for enterprises and economic integration into the world economy, that is, transnational business enterprises. Over the past 20 years, primarily based on the open market, the introduction of foreign technology, capital and management methods mainly, Now we have saved some energy industry can be mature technology to the needs of the international transfer market, so as to achieve domestic resources and make up for the shortcomings of the market, with domestic technology, equipment, services and products out. That is making room for the funds and the development of new industries and the international market, China's multinational corporations to fully participate in the international division of labor. With the 16th National Party Congress and the Third Plenum of the 16th made clear further accelerate the implementation of the "going out" strategy. China's enterprises to enter the transnational business in a greater scope, broader field and at a higher level in international economic and technological cooperation and competition, strive to form a powerful multinational companies to a new stage. As for foreign transnational business model for the study of multinational companies in contemporary practice, there are two successful models. First, industrial production-oriented enterprises as the main mode of Europe and the United States, particularly in the United States for a typical manufacturing multinational companies; second, Japanese trading companies mode ,that is GTC; From the development process, development in several areas, the characteristics of its elaborate, and summarizes several commonalities between the models.Facing the severe situation, where Chinese foreign trading enterprises should go? Combining with the basic national conditions of Chinese foreign trading enterprises, and finding a reasonable choice for development path, the study proposed the establishment of general trading companies (hereinafter refered to as"GTC") is a correct path. GTC first produced in the 1970s in Japan, it became Japanese postwar export-oriented development strategy pioneer, Japanese enterprises through GTC effectively opened up overseas markets. The thesis introduces the selection, basic functions, the development process of GTC in details and how they cope with economic globalization and globalization of information. Doing comparative analysis to the development of GTC between China and Japan to identify the gaps, differences and similarities, comprehensively expounding Chinese foreign trading enterprises choose the development path of GTC is reasonable, workable, seeking common ground while reserving differences, developing Chinese GTC. However, in the new situation, history, environment, country, time, the space have changed. Chinese enterprises must be flexible. Under the new situation, the thesis proposed the focus to developing GTC, hoped to guiding the correct direction of development. First, the government must clarify ownership in further way, and sound development of a comprehensive trading system of laws and regulations. Meanwhile, foreign trading enterprises are the most important. According to Enterprise Strategy objectives, development stage, industry characteristics, and constantly adjusted operating strategies, integrating their own resources; Developing the logistics field, recycling trade process, emphasizing high value-added, integrating business strategy; Building the core value chain, involving in high-tech fields such as research and development of new business strategies to strengthen profitability.In the course of development, Chinese GTC must constantly adapt business strategy, enterprises must consider: Put itself and other multinational companies on the same high level to participate the international division of labor; Meanwhile, focus on the development of foreign direct investment, which should soon become the important functions after international trade, and comprehensive financial service functions; try to new markets and new business development. Through mergering and acquisitioning activities, it can allow them access to new markets and new industries more quickly, but also provide and create more business opportunities for our overseas manufacturing enterprises in the production directly and indirectly, promoting the internationalization of enterprises. Soon after their hard working, in the near future, the diversification strategy will make great achievements.
Keywords/Search Tags:Development
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