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Research On The Development Of Jilin Province's Industrial Clusters In Light Of Zhejiang's

Posted on:2008-08-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360215952579Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, as an important regional economic development strategy, industrial clusters atrract more and more attention. After the reform and opening up, industrial clusters develop rapidly in China.This disertation reviews industrial cluster theory, empirically analyses the status of industrial clusters in Jilin, comparatively analyses the cause, main characteristics & successful experiences of Zhejiang's clusters, proposes the development model & countermeasures of Jilin's industrial clusters.Although Marshall described & explained insustrial clusters in his "Principles of Economics" (1920) , Industry Cluster theory divorced from the mainstream economics, for quite a long time. Until the 1990s, Paul Krugman and Michael ?Porter launched a highly influential study results, leading to an research upsurge of industrial clusters. This paper reviewes the Marshall's external economic theory, Weber's agglomeration, Krugman's model -- industry goes towards concentration eventually, Porter's diamond model, Granovetter "rooted" theory and the GREMI's regional innovation environment theory.This paper emiprically analyses the status of Jilin's clusters, first,collects the number of industry enterprises, general industry value and average industry value to level the clusters of Jilin; Secondly,collects the total profits,the general indstry output value, the net fixed assets of all industrial independent enterprises. This dissertation uses the Tang Jie's CES(constant elesity of scale) function (1989) to measure scale economy, P=AQβKγ, P-the industry profit of a year,Q-the general industry output value of a year, K-the net fixed assets of a year;β-flexibility profit-output;γ-flexibility occupied fixed assets; agglomeration effect h=(γ+1)/(1-β); then, collect time series of P, Q, K, and uses regression analysis to getβ,γ, which generate h; H moving average is used to measure the change of trend of Jilin's industrial clusters level.Through the empirical study,this paper prove that Jilin has no genuine industrial clusters.This paper explores the factors restricting the development of industrial clusters Jilin in six aspects: 1 the vestiges of the planned economy system; 2 predilections of governmental functions - excessive government intervention in economic development; 3 unitary state structure. 4 unreasonable industrial structure constraining the formation of industrial clusters; 5 irrational enterprise structure; 6 without the awareness of innovation.Since the beginning of reform and opening up, Zhejiang economic is called the "Zhejiang Model". To some extent, Zhejiang's Industrial Clusters support the prosperity of local place. Most of the industrial clusters in Zhejiang are endogenous clusters, clearly market-driven. Impetus of endogenous industries is inherent; its resources, such as capital, technology, personnel,first locally assemblies, then spread further. Zhejiang's clusters have combined the local culture & endowments, through a process of natural selection and evolution,with great vitality and tremendous potential of growth. The nuclear of Zhejiang's cluster lies in spontaneous & market-driven endogenous growth mechanism.Zhejiang's industrial cluster is not accidental. It's full used the comparative advantages, pooled local culture & the entrepreneurial spirit. Its major features are as follows: 1 individual and private enterprises as the main unit and labor–condense commodity as core products; 2good cooperative networks; 3 industrial clusters interacting with the professional market; 4 the local network rooted in the local culture and social capital.Zhejiang's Industry Clusters have benefited from the micro-economic independent innovation, the support of social capital and the government's macro-protective acquiescence. The core is the market-driven, spontaneous and inherent development; the driving force comes from the popular forces and Zhejiang traditional culture. In Zhejiang, market plays the fundament role and the government plays a role of promoting and supporting clusters.Based on the previous text, this dissertation proposes the countermearsure of the development of Jilin's industrial clusters.In the development of Jilin's industrial clusters,market-driven mechanism is preferred. On the basis of endogenous growth mechanism, the development of Jilin's industrial clusters combines the "top-down" model & the "bottom-up" model. This paper proposes the combination of endogenous growing & external promotion in developing industrial clusters.The government is not powerless in the development of industrial clusters; industrial clusters can be an economic development strategy. The government can do this through the industrial cluster polices, and promote its development. This paper analyses the goal, principles & specific execution of industrial clusters policies of Jilin.The government's role in the development of industrial clusters is a service provider. The market mechanism will play a fundamental role. The government should guide and promote industry clusters on the condition that the market mechanism plays the fundamental and major role and government can not surpass the market. The government spares no effort to create a unified, open and fair competition environment, through constructing cluster service system, creating an atmosphere and building a platform for promoting industrial clusters'self-reinforcing.In order to achieve sustainable development, industrial clusters need continuous innovation; Regional innovation network is the important foundation for continuous innovation. Regional Innovation Network is to promote the evolution, development and innovation of industrial clusters. The key to the successful clusters lies in the network among enterprises, and the network between enterprises and other actors. Government can foster regional innovation network through improving transport, communications and other infrastructure to create a tough environment for enterprise's development and innovation; creating a soft environment for the development of innovation; combining independent innovation and academic research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Development
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