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The Philosophical Reflection Of Contemporary Consumption

Posted on:2008-09-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J WengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360215482775Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the exchange and cooperation process of China and other countries, in particular with the developed Western countries, we learned a lot of advanced management technology and advanced science and technology. However, the window had been opened, it is inevitable that there will be many outdated concepts were introduced, Western developed countries'consumer society and their spending pattern is one of these concepts.In many eastern coastal cities of China have developed such a Western consumption pattern. They gradually were accepted and became the main way of life and values by many high-income earners. This is inappropriate in the primary stage of socialism in China. Such social consumption patterns of consumption are harmful on individuals, society and the natural. At present, there are emerging, such as ecological degradation, lack of resources, the spiritual emptiness, and other global issues, all with the people's excessive consumption behavior. China is a country that resources is relative shortage; moreover, China is still in the process to confer the production from extensive to intensive change, in production will inevitably have a greater waste of resources.Faced with this situation and the worries of our future development, many scholars of China made a profound study on the Western developed countries'prevalent situation: consumer alienation. Combination with the situation of our country and made a deep reflection, made to the consumer values of justice to regulating people's consumption behavior, which is subject to the consumption of consumer motivation, consumer value, consumer purposes and consumption of deep significance for questioning. Alienation thus changing the consumption patterns that promote and enhance human nature onto the realization, and further safeguard social harmony.Marx pointed out that consumption is one way of people lived, is the way to make free and full development come true, the means it is inseparable from the life of consumption. However, we should not over-consumption on the highlight material needs met, otherwise people will be materialized. But the material should upgrade their consumption to meet their other, more important pursuits.
Keywords/Search Tags:consumption, consumer alienation, consumption justice
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