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The Application Of CRM In AUDI Marketing

Posted on:2007-11-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360212959575Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the change from seller market to buyer market, the development of all kinds of modernized management thinking and the updating of the industry technology, it become more and more difficult to distinguish the difference of the different production , so it become more and more difficult to gain the advantage for a enterprise with identifying the product difference. The enterprise realize the importance of the customer's individual needs, CRM become the key factor of increasing the competitive ability of the company. CRM is to categorize customers much more effectively through the use of information and technology. The enterprise must improve continually the satisfaction and loyalty of customers through the individuation communication , and finally satisfy the customer's needs in the great degree as while as realize the pay off of enterprise , to gain the double-win.After our country join in WTO, more and more international automobile enterprises pay attention to Chinese automobile market-this last cake, so the competition in Chinese market become very hotly. At the same time , the standard that customers evaluate a car has been increased, customers are concerned with not only price independently but also the price to performance, not only the product quality,performance or style but also the car service, rational and emotive era come into being in automobile industry.Audi have built up the first brand of domestic limousine in past ten years, but the competition that Audi must face become very severely. When Audi lose the exclusive position in market, each model of Audi have a lot of competitors, it is difficult to keep the current market share, the rather that it...
Keywords/Search Tags:Application
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