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Study On Gansu's Food Security

Posted on:2007-10-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360185962886Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China is a developing country with overmuch population and overless land. Ensuring food security plays an important role in all level government. Qua part and parcel of nation's food security, regional food security should receive much recognition. An adequate balance was realized in Gansu recent years. However, in the collar of poor natural environment, lack of resources, underdeveloped economy and incomplete institution etc, the position of Gansu's food security is still grim and cannot allowed pleased.Under the new situation, I'm trying to make a systematic study of Gansu's food security in the new situation. Based on a full understanding of the connotation of the regional food security, my paper has sized up the trend of Gansu's supply and demand, analyzed its practical status ground on data, construed the adverse conditions, drew lessons from abroad, and finally found some countermeasures to preserve Gansu's food security.Through the positive research of Gansu's food security, the result shows that:1. Food security is an evolutive and deepened conception. Understanding it came through a process from phenomenon to essence, from partial to comprehensive, from quantity to quality and then formed an interactional connotation, which includes nation's food security, domestic food security, food nutrition security and food continuable security.2. Regional food security lies between macroscopical nation's food security and microcosmic domestic food security and is relate to a nation's regional characteristic. Supply and demand should be considered while scaling a certain area.3. Nowadays Gansu grain's supply and demand shows that acreage sown to grain reduced year after year, per unit area and total produce increased gradually, demand enhanced because of population's addition rapidly. The acreage sown reduced so fleetly that the supply can only satisfied low-leveled demand not only at present but for the future as well. The situation of Gansu's food security is very flinty.4. Gansu's food security is not allowed pleased in 2004:Only jinchang city has a nicer food security, while seven cities are worst. These seven cities stand inferior position in the overall grain production capability or in assuring the demand. Generally speaking, Gansu's food security is low-leveled and unbalanced.5. These days the actual and potential factors which effect Gansu's food security appear mainly in three aspects. The first one is the vice of natural endowments:...
Keywords/Search Tags:regional food security, countermeasure, province Gansu
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