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Research On Regional Transfer Of The Processing Trade In China

Posted on:2012-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M L LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189330335975498Subject:International Trade
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the reform and opening in China for over 30 years, the processing trade has made great achievements, it has made significant contributions to China's economic development and has become the main way of China's foreign trade. But. as the deep deveolpment of the processing trade, the many new problems are coming, especially, unbalanced development of processing trade is the most obvious. The large accumulation of processing trade is more prominent in the eastern coastal area, through the center city growth pole encourage economic development of the neighboring areas. However, the reasons of the poor infrastructure in China's vast Midwestern, natural and geographical conditions and low level of opening restrict the development of the processing trade. The unbalance of the rignal development of the processing trade has widen the gap of economic deveolpment, and has become one of the economic and social problems. In order to change the conditions of the unblance of development of processing trade, our country unveil fresh policy and messures about the transformation of the processing trade from the eastern area to mid and western area, then it will accelerate the devolpment of the processing trade as the important content of the transformation and upgrade.The change of the distribution pattern of "the east heavy west light" is the key factor of the success of the transformation and upgrade. Firstly, we shoule be sure that the processing trade bring the huge economic growth to the eastern areas in China, then through discussing to the necessity of the transition of the proessing trade and the possibility of the development of processing trade in mid and western areas, meanwhile, through analyzing advantages and disadvantages of the development process of processing trade in mid and western areas, we will put forward a series of countermeasures of developing the processing trade based on the resources,the location,the capital,the technology,the policy and other environmental conditions. These will help us understand and know the unblance of rigional development of the processing trade.
Keywords/Search Tags:Processing Trade, Unblance of Regional Development, Transition and Upgrading, Regional Transfer
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