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Commercial Bank Credit Risk Management In The Background Of The Credit Surge

Posted on:2011-07-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ShiFull Text:PDF
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Credit risk management is one of the core management to determine the survival and development of commercial banks.In China, credit risk has become the main risks it faces.There is a big gap between China's commercial banks and banks in western countries in credit risk management, whether in technology, methods and organizational structure, or ideas of respect. In the current social environment, economic environment and legal environment, banks ability to change to adept external environment are still extremely limited, and banks in this environment, the more urgent for our national banks is to learn credit risk management from advanced foreign commercial banks to improve and perfect our internal credit risk management mechanism, and enhance the market competitiveness of commercial banks and survival.U.S.subprime crisis on the economy spread to China, in order to stimulate the economy, the government introduced a 4 trillion government-led investment and planning and revitalization of ten new industrial loans of RMB 5 trillion yuan of credit policy. Loans increase 9.6 trillion yuan in China in 2009.This have stimulate domestic demand to ensure economic growth, improving people's livelihood.However, large-scale credit make some commercial banks regardless the credit safe. The banks regard controling credit risks will cause great pressure and risks. Therefore, we must take effective measures to new loans to aviod credit risk.Therefore, the issue want to solve commercial bank credit risk management problems from the new perspective analysis by comparing the foreign bank credit risk management experience in the global economic downturn, We want to find a good method to improve banks credit risk management ability in the crisis.This issue is based on credit risk management, credit risk management system combing theory at home and abroad; in-depth analysis of the proliferation of credit under the Credit Risk Management of Commercial Bank problems. Paper draw not only people already shaping theory, but trying to meet the current economic development from which to explore characteristics of the analysis, this rich tradition of internal and external economic equilibrium theory, improve our credit risk management system has important theoretical significance.Depth analysis of this topic in China since reform and opening up a concrete manifestation of credit risk management features; of the reasons for the existence of credit risk; subprime mortgage crisis in our country after the massive bank loans may increase the credit risk of the real features of proposed commercial bank credit Adjustment for risk management and strategic choice. For the analysis of this issue of China's macroeconomic performance in the deep-seated contradictions, to strengthen and improve macro-control, improve the control of scientific and effective, building a harmonious Chinese commercial bank credit risk management system has great practical significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Credit Surge, Credit Risk, Commercial Bank
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