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The Study On Cluster Development Of Dalian's Modern Service Industry

Posted on:2011-09-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M LiuFull Text:PDF
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Since 1990s, the world's industrial structure shows the trend of inclination to the service industry. With the increasing of global economic services, modern service separates from the traditional service and grows rapidly, becoming an important pillar for modern economic growth; on the other hand, with the quickening of economic globalization, development of transnational corporations and the improvement of functional structure of the business district of international metropolitan, modern service industry clusters are developed and mature as a world trend. The rise of the modern service industry cluster is not only an inherent requirement of services, but also an objective necessity to enhance the economic function of urban and regional competitive advantage. The modern service cluster dominates development of business center of the modern international metropolis, and determines the prosperity of urban economy and its level of international competitiveness.Dalian has made great efforts to develop modern service recent years and has achieved initial success. Dalian Municipal People's Government pay more and more attention to the development of modern service industry. In 2007 the Government published "Dalian modern service industry development," Eleventh Five-Year "plan", to put the development of modern service industry on the agenda. But in the process of development, because of the independent development between the industry clusters, there is not a certain model of development, and there is a series of problems. This article is written under this background.By using the theory of industrial clusters to analyze the principles of the modern service industry clusters, and through a comparative study of New York, Ireland and Beijing, Shanghai and other instances of domestic and international cities, this paper sums up the regular of service and experience of cluster development and provides reference for the analysis of Dalian modern service industry development. Based on the analysis of traditional theories of industrial clusters and the development model, in previous studies, the paper divides five clusters of modern service industry development. In the end of the thesis, based on qualitative and quantitative SWOT analysis, It put forward the modern service industry cluster development framework in Dalian, from the external environment and internal environment to summarize two aspects of modern service industry in Dalian cluster development strategy. On this basis, according to the unique nature of Dalian modern service industry clusters it proposes "three-stage development model", namely:the modern service industry "superior cluster" stage, the modern service industry " full cluster "stage and modern service industry," after the cluster development "stage to provide strategic reference proposal for the cluster of modern service industry in DalianAccording to the previous research ideas, this paper is organized like this:PartⅠ:The introduction describes the significance of background and research ideas, and summarizes the literature review and modern service to use this article as a theoretical basis.PartⅡ:It is an overview of the modern service industry cluster theory and empirical analysis of clusters in the study of modern service industry on the basis of theory for empirical analysis in several large cities at home and abroad, and concludes the favor inspiration of the cluster development of modern service industry in Dalian.PartⅢ:I describe the development situation of Dalian modern service industry cluster, the development conditions and status of the modern service industry cluster in Dalian, and problems occurring in the process of cluster development of modern service industry in Dalian.PartⅣ:I study the development framework of Dalian modern service industry cluster and the "phased development" model. According to Dalian unique development situation, I present "phased development" model to improve cluster development of modern service industry in Dalian. PartⅤ:it is conclusion, summary and Outlook.There are two main innovation of this paper. Firstly, it classified 5 development models based on theoretical research, analysis and previous research. Secondly, on this basis of the use of SWOT analysis method and AHP method embedded SWOT for quantitative analysis of development strategy of the model Dalian modern service industry cluster to address relevant development policies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dalian, modern service industry, clusters, modern service industry cluste
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