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The Implementing Economical Effect Of The Enterprise Accounting Standards

Posted on:2011-12-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N ZhouFull Text:PDF
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With quick development of our country economy under the background of globalization, accounting standards becomes even more significant,and its variance also gets more attention. Since the Ministry of Finance of China published the Accounting Standards,the Enterprise Finance Standard and the two accounting systems in 1992, till the publication of the new Accounting Standards on February 15th.2006, the accounting reform has got through an eventful experience.In order to get high-quality accounting information, the standard-setters tried their hard to work out a proactive accounting standard in this experience.Affected by the situation,motivation and implement factors, high-quality accounting standards may not bring out high-quality accounting information and significant economic consequences. But conversely, as Ge Jiashu pointed out, we can say that the accounting information quality won't be guaranteed without high-quality accounting standards.So we can't deny the relevant between accounting standards quality and accounting information quality, and the relevant between the information reacted by the accounting standards and the development of economy.By the empirical approach, this article makes a research about the implementing economical effect of the Enterprise Accounting Standards.The full text is divided into five parts.The first part, called introduction, describes the background of the innovation of accounting,research content,research value and significance and the framework.The second part is called literature review, reviews the research status and results about the accounting information quality at home and abroad. Foreign scholars have carried out wide research on the accounting information value relevance.They have studied the value relevance under the disclosure of particular accounting information, got several different conclusion.The thirst part is called the design of the research methods.This article is designed to select Shanghai A-share companies from 1990 to 2008 as study samples, and gathers the data from some databases and other ways.Then presents the return model,the balance sheet model and Feltham-Ohlson model, explains the definition of key variables, and chooses the probable method as required.The forth part is called the empirical research. This part use the balance sheet model and Feltham-Ohlson model to analyses the economical effect of the Enterprise Accounting Standards. Then analyzes the result of empirical examination, and explains the probable cause. The last part is conclusion and prospect. This part sums up all articles, conclude the points of theory analysis and empirical examination, give the rational reasons for the empirical results, and make suggestions for the formulating of the Enterprise Accounting Standards.Due to the lack of knowledge and time, this paper must have some defects.Here lists the limitations of research and finally provides future research directions.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Enterprise Accounting Standards, Economical Effect, Value Relevance
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