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The Interaction Of Private Economy And County Economy

Posted on:2011-03-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F F YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189330332481301Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Development of county economy is an important measure to achieve a comprehensive well-off society. The private economy is a product of china economic reform and development, a new economic form of following market economy requirements. County economy afforded private economy with extensive development space while private economy injected fresh vigor to the county economy. The harmonization of county economy and private economy is bound to make Chinese economy to experience more deeply change.This article mainly contains four parts to analyze how to realize the Interaction between private economy and county economy. The first part mainly brought up the background and significance of research, the innovation and main disadvantages, as well as the methods of the thesis research. The second part mainly analyzed the basic meanings and features of private economy and county economy. Review 1979-2009, the development of private economy and county economy in china reflected the statuses and effects of private economy and county economy. The third part took the Interaction between private economy and county economy in Ningjin as an example, it contains practical analysis and theoretical analysis.The fourth part analyzed the conditions of positive interaction between private economy and county economic; the problems which existed in the Interaction between private economy and county economy; the strategy to realize the positive interaction between private economy and county economy. It afforded reference to the development of county economy and private economy in our county.This article specialized in the practical development of Ningjin which as " Underdeveloped district", analyzed the Interaction between private economy and county economy, paid more attention on the development of county economy and private economy and the development strategy, to search an approach of county economy development, which has "the features of Ningjin".
Keywords/Search Tags:Private economy, County economy, Interaction
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